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Monitor Lust

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I got a good deal at Costco on one of the last XP system Gateways in January, 2007. Part of the reason I went for it was the monitor, a 21" rotatable widescreen. Not quite as big as the one in the link and it doesn't have built-in speakers, but same resolution. I rarely use the portrait mode but, occasionally, it's a nice feature to have. The extra width is very handy for keeping multiple windows in view. Also great for viewing 16/9 photos of our son (the dog).

I don't know what you are using now Mike but, considering the time you dedicate to this forum, I think you should definitely have it.

In fact, I think we should buy it for him!!!

Looks like we would need about $280 total to cover shipping. I'm going to make this easy...

I'd be willing, even happy, to donate $20 to the cause. Do I have 13 other TIJ regulars willing to shell out a mere $20 to buy Mikey a better monitor, as a thanks for all his hard work here??

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"Thanks, but I wasn't begging; "

I know that! I wouldn't have made the offer if I thought you were. Consider it a random act of kindness...and a thank you.

The offer and challenge stands!

What say you all? All I need is 13 others (the first 13) to say yes, and I'll buy it for him. We can arrange payment later.

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You guys are too much; I dunno what to say. I've got a decent flat screen - 19-inch, I think. Sure, I was lusting after it, but I posted it because I thought someone out there would like to know about the sale. [:I]

Rich, what do you mean "keeping multiple windows in view?" Is there a way to do that other than changing tabs? Can anyone tell me how the guy in that video moved his page from one monitor to the other instantaneously like he was just moving it around the screen with the cursor? Now, that was pretty kewl!

OT - OF!!!


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OK. I make that 12 + me. Close enough, although I'll take one more. Someone (or Mike) e-mail or PM me Mike's address and I'll get it ordered this morning (from Tiger Direct) before I have to leave for my pm inspection.

As for paying me, I'll shoot each of you a PM with my address later.

I know this is all a little wierd. but it's fun to put an unexpected grin on someone's face now and then.

I also know that some won't read this in time to partake. Mike...it doesn't mean those guys don't appreciate you too!


Update: Ordered. Mike, expect it on the 16th. (I'll update that if it changes once I get the tracking info).

BTW...I phoned Mike to get his address. He started to get all warm and fuzzy and I basically told him to just shut up and accept it. I think he probably has a happy buzz going on.

For all you fine gentlemen who said yes, Thanks. I'll PM you later when I have some more time.

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