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I will not kill your deal

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Bulldog, I'm concerned for you.

My impression is that you are a good business man and probably a good inspector but you are heading in the wrong direction like a super hero using his power for evil instead of good.

From your words and writing it appears that you view the Realtor as your real client and that you are chasing the money.

If you love what you do and do your best to take care of the client (the buyer that hired you) the money and refferrals will follow.

Your business model of building relationships with realtors for referrals is not neccessarily a bad one but it is possible to go too far with it.

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I am working on getting the transcripts out on a case here in Canton, Ohio that was won by a buyer against the agency that sold them a home from hell, even after the agency's boy did the inspection. The seller and Inspector settled out of court, though the buyers may never see $$ from Inspector. Some say he has a habit of going bankrupt after such things happen.

I hope to get the info soon as the Legislators in Columbus voted out of committee HB257 without the firewall between re people and Inspectors. RE lobbyist was seen in the hall near committee room. Also reported seen was the lobbyist for the franchises as their is nothing in the bill to prevent Inspectors or their companies from working on the house after an inspection.

I had thought the relationship between agents and Inspectors was settled years ago. Guess we need a yearly required course in the duties we owe to our clients.

Ezra Malernee

Canton, Ohio

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Originally posted by bulldoginspect

By the way, thanks inspectorjoe for the #25 insight from Carson Dunlop (they're actually the firm I got trained through). I got that bit of information from Ken Compton and it was never mentioned that he got it anywhere else...i'll definitely give the credit where credit is due

I followed Scott's link to Inspection News, where you wrote this yesterday:

My website is no joke and I take the information very seriously (I personally wrote every word of it)...

I'm all ears, Bull.

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I have a certain amount of love for all home inspectors everywhere. Sometimes it comes across as 'tough love' so please forgive me, but I have to tell you that you, sir, are Plaintiffbait. Based on your website, I can just about promise you that there is (the courtroom equivalent of) a first class ass-whuppin' in your near future. I don't do inspections anymore, but I'd consider coming out of retirement just to testify against someone who had that text on his website. I'd probably even enjoy it.

Matter of fact: a dimestore attorney and a noob EW would eviscerate you with your own website without even trying. You've already done the work and published it for them.

If you don't understand what Brian, Kurt Les, Scott, myself and others are saying now, you will one day. I hope the lesson comes cheaply, but suspect it won't.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, having been now on both sides of the coin (HI and Realtor) I can tell you that a GOOD Realtor is NOT worried about having a home inspector "kill the deal." A good Realtor will gladly take their client and wak away from a house thats a POS. Its the Realtors that dont care and just want to get the deal closed to make a paycheck that are happy to have someone like "the bulldog."

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Which brings us full circle to the subjective definition of "good realtor".

The real estate industry says good is the person that sells $1 billion in real estate and that's been awarded Platinum status.

The HI profession says a good realtor is what you described.

Girl, you're turning into an HI.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bulldog, your website gives the impression of a soft report. If ever you get sued, all a judge has to do is look at that page and you're toast.

A savvy competitor in Bulldog's area -- maybe one who does expert-witness work -- might want to print up some copies of the web page. In my humble experience, a lot of HIs' web pages are ticking time bombs. A while back, I watched an HI sink into the quicksand because his store-bought boilerplate "thank-you" letter to reeltors.

For years, I've warned customers and readers to stay far away from HIs who have a "for reeltors" section on their website. And obstinate guys who can't read, write, reason or spell...

But that's just me,


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