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There's No Place Like Home

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Business has been slow lately, so I've had some extra time to poke around some of the other bulletin boards and actually took part instead of lurking - something that I hadn't done for months and months.

I gotta stop doing that; there are waaaay too many provocative and innaccurate things - and even blatant lies - being said out there by pinheads; it's hard to resist getting involved and then it's easy to stoop to their level - like going over to the dark side or something.

In the end though, after engaging in debate with one of these folks, I ended up feeling dirty - like when I'd had to actually put my hands on a child molester when putting the cuffs on him. Ewww!

Think I'll just stay here at TIJ where folks are generally honorable and know the difference between truth and lies.

OT - OF!!!


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As a new HI I do surf other sites. I have found some of them lacking in content and accuracy. I do like to ponder on the problems posed on some of them however. I consider it continuing education. I have to research more on the other sites to insure the accuracy of suggestions posted. I have seen a couple of HI's posting on both but they seem to limit the subjects to actual inspecting and refrain from the gossip columns.

What I like best about TIJ is it's independent flavor. As a independent inspector I don't feel like I am being slamed for not belonging to this or that organization.

I found the post on writing a new HI law in Washington almost inspiring in that people came together to promote the profession, not a marketing strategy.

TIJ is where I start and finish most days.


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I frequent the Inspection News Forum. Mike, I saw a few of your posts and I don't know if that is what you are refering to, but I thnk most ignore that guy and move on with life. You are right, the political in-fighting on the othere boards is amazing and I prefer the demeanor of your board. The patrons on this forum, as a general rule keep it to buisness and stay away from non-relevant who's stick in bigger arguments.

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You do keep out most of the zealots, Mike - and most of the Nike salesmen too [;)].

This is the only HI forum I visit. I've grown a fondness for the regulars here, but I'm not a focused inspector individual anymore. Hence, my comments have become less reliable as I move on to new adventures. I'm weaning myself from TIJ, but will likely lurk for a while longer.

For sure, this site is a terrific source of reliable info for concerned HIs. It's also entertaining!

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Everything's in moderation. [;)]

The fact is that we do have the "cops on the street" here and, because of that, there is actually very little "crime" to police. The odd hooligan is quickly given the message and rarely returns.

During a dark period that I'm not proud of, I was a member of one of the orgs that boasts about having "free speech" and no BB moderators although, supposedly, they have rules for professional conduct. Even while I was still a member, I removed the link from my website because I would have been embarassed to have a client go there and witness the constant, very unprofessional, mud wrestling.

TIJ is an oasis of calm and reason. A shelter from the imperfect storm. A sanctuary from the barbaric hordes. I could go on, but you get the idea.

Once again, thank you Mike.

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You guys are making me feel like a dillweed for venturing forth and mixing it up with those yokels.

I'm ashamed of myself. Sorry guys, I promise not to do it anymore (For a little while, anyway).



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I used to get around to a lot more places than I do now, and I found solid guys and morons everywhere. One problem is the ratio on some boards, but the second half is lack of supervision. I like a moderated board, whether I always agree with the moderator or not, because experience shows the inmates cannot run the asylum well. Trolls and jerks should be ejected and banned, not tolerated and endured. I like order, civility, and honesty, all together. It's a beautiful thing. [:-thumbu]

Brian G.

Mike's the Man [:-angel]

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Originally posted by hausdok


Think I'll just stay here at TIJ where folks are generally honorable and know the difference between truth and lies.

OT - OF!!!


That's a myopic viewpoint, to say the least.

You can't improve your lot in life by spinning your wheels in the same sand all the time.

Live a little, and you'll be better for it in the long run.


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Myself, I have to admit that I have never visited another forum. I have been coming here for over a year now and have only recently begun posting any comments, mainly because ya "deep down" are really a bunch of nice guys. I have really learned alot from reading all of the posts over time, but never got involved cause I didn't want to get "slapped" in the face for seeming like a "dumb**s" on any comment I might have made. But over time, seeing how ya treat newcomers, I finally decided if any of you "slap" me, then I probably deserve it!

So, Mike, thanks for the great forum. I enjoy it and like I said, I do learn alot.

Mike M

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