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I think that compared to the boom years of 2004 and 2005 I am only down less than 50%. The winter of 2007 was no worse than the winter of 2006. If it wasn't for increased expenses, mainly that of medical insurance, I am the same or ahead of 2003. Where I have really lost volume is in the latino and asia markets which at times have been 50% of my biz. The asian market died starting Jan 2006 and the latino market was slowing by August of 2006 and dead a year later.

In other words if I throw out the anomalous 2004 & 2005 years my business is right on track, even though it doesn't feel like it.

Chris, Oregon

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I'm down. Way down.

I too, am also not turning anything away.

I'm also noticing a trend which in some areas may be normal business. For the last few months, buyers are very particular and paying attention to details like I've not experienced before.

1 year ago: "Tell me the major stuff wrong. Good. Here's your check"

Today: They interview me like never before before even booking, (my phone's ringing-people are shopping a lot more). Once on site, they want to know every line item in detail. It's adding a good 30-45 minutes to an already long inspection process.

Its a different business today and I haven't done much to shift with the times.

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