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rental inspections

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This is something new in my area. I just got a contact for a possible job. I am weighing my options. Have any of you ever done anything like this?

These two PDF's are the form and guidlines and the link below them is the county pages on the matter. What do you think about this opportunity? My only question is liability to me. The county does not address that or if they do I havn't seen it.

Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif rental inspection sheet.pdf

149.48 KB

Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif rental inspection guidlines.pdf

24.24 KB

http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agenci ... x.html#ins

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I actually though about rental inspections, maybe even getting a job with a large property management company as a way to get some experience. But, at least for me, I thought better of it and decided not too. I know most rentals end on a good note, but many do not. Further, in rental inspections, one of the clients is usually a company without emotions or feelings and only wants the max dollar. Since the company knows this is the last chance they get to dip into that persons wallet, they often try to grab as much as possible.

In the case you present, it looks like you would work for the city/county to ensure the landlords are keeping things up to code and that tenants are obeying the rules too. Although the "inspection" might be similar, the situation is completely different. It takes a completely different mind set and I would think thicker skin. I've rented property for years and never had an inspection done on them. To the best of my knowledge, most of these inspections are either in run down areas or are started after a complaint has been filed. If it's the complaint, then you are already walking into a hostile situation.

Although I'm sure you could do some good, to me it just wouldn't be worth all the hassle. Also, being a government job, I'm sure it doesn't pay a great deal.

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I can set my own price. The Baltimore County Council came up with this program that requires landlords to hire private home inspectors to do the inspections.

It's interesting because the council offered the responsibility to the AHJ and they balked and said, "give it to the private HI companies"

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