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San Antonio TX

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I am looking to goto San Antonio the first or maybe 2nd week of May. I need to go there to pick up my Dad's ashes and his things. He passed back in November and it's been too long now but it has had to wait for various reasons.

Anyways, as it stands now, I looking at spending 1 day (maybe more)in San Antonio just to get this done. But if anyone here is in San Antonio, I wouldn't mind spending a day or just a few hours to say hi or learn something. I know if I do this I can write the trip off as a business expense, but that doesn't matter. I'm more into meeting people and learning a few things. So if your interested let me know. Also, if you know of any training I can attend in the area, send me the info, that would work too.

Or, if you know the area toss out some ideas of where I MUST eat or such. Even if I'm only there for a day I still gotta eat. I'll most likely stay at Lackland AFB (retired Navy) depending how far it is from the airport.

Thanks in advance.

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I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. Make sure you look into what you need to do to get clearance to take his ashes on the flight with you. One of my wifes's friends recently passed and his wife tried to take him back to Korea only to be stopped at the airport by TSA because she hadn't completed the red tape necessary. In the end, they ended up keeping him here.

OT - OF!!!


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