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Light flickers when light is off?

Brandon Whitmore

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Check to see if they're made in China.

The chinese ones have electronic spying bugs in them and they have an army of folks gathering folks' personal information. Since their quality control isn't very good, sometimes they go on the fritz.



This is a total fabrication. Don't believe a word of it.

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An aluminum foil hat keeps them from intercepting your thoughts!

Scott, I believe you, but do you have a source? I find plenty of sources that say cfl interferes with radios (and my IR remote, for sure) but can't find one that shows that shortwaves can light a cfl. What you are saying makes sense, I just can't find anything to back it up.

When I was in the Air Force, the radar on the base would set off flashbulbs that were nearby.

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I've been buying brand name CFL's and I've been having terrible luck with bulb longevity. I have yet to have a CFL last more than 6 months.

Yesterday I pulled a brand new one from the box and installed it in a fixture that was recently wired and this was the first time it was lamped. I flipped the breaker on for the first time, flipped the switch and the bulb lit. I left to cut some tile and came back about ten minutes later and the light was out.

I opened the switch cover, checked the breaker checked the wiring in the light and then I changed the new bulb out. The damn thing was defective.

Anyone else having issues like mine and if you're not, what brand of bulb are you buying?

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Originally posted by Brandon Whitmore

There I was thinking it would be an easy answer... something I was overlooking.

Could be anything from a secret air base nearby, to spy cams hidden in the bulb, UFO's... I think I will just ignore it, stay ignorant, and hold my breath. It may be safer that way[:-alien]


Too late, nanoparticle bugs. It's new Chinese technology. The first time the bulb is turned on, they're released into the atmosphere and look like dust. You breath them in, and they imbed themselves in your lungs and then the Chinese listening posts get to listen in on every conversation you have.

Rule #1: Never utter passwords out loud - even when you're alone.

Rule #2: Always ensure that nothing you are writing or displaying on a TV screen is line-of-sight to one of these bulb thingies.

Rule #3: If you think you might have breathed some nanobugs in, go get some Musinex to flush them out of your lungs. [:-psst]

OT - OF!!!


If you believe any of this BS, you're nuttier than I am.

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Agree that the life of the CFLs isn't anywhere near as long as was advertised. I'm still on the fence as to whether they're even worth it or not. Experienced pretty much that same short product life as some had already noted here. I hope the quality of the CFLs gets better or I'm not going to waste my money. It ain't green if you have to buy just as many CFLs as the old ones.

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I have had similar problems with CFL. I bought multi packs at the local box store of the decorative bulbs for the bathroom "makeup mirror" style fixtures. Master bath had 8 individual bulbs (not counting the 4 in the other bath), so I am thinking 8 x 60 watts is a bunch of heat and hey they will outlast regular bulbs, sign me up. Now, a year or so later, half of the CFL bulbs have bit the dust.

I for one am not sold on the life span, and those things are expensive!

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