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The Downside of Spring

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Yesterday I ran across my first bunch of wasps for the year, trying to start a nest. These are the highly aggressive *orange* variety of "red" wasp we have down here (we have regular red wasps too). These bad boys don't like you before you get out of the truck, and they won't hesitate to come after your butt if you get a little too close (like under 8 - 10 feet). This shot was taken at full telephoto on my camera.

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Brian G.

Agent Orange Indeed [:-scared]

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Originally posted by Brian G

It's already up and running in Mississippi. I'm mowing grass and washing a daily layer of pollen off my truck. Not a ton of fun, but better than snow. [:-party]

Brian G.

My Blue Truck Is Yellow Every Morning [:-irked]

Same here in Alabama and I need to cut my grass again.

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Originally posted by ozofprev

Well, excuse me Brian for messin' with your metathesis. It's the thrid metathesis I've done that to this year...

My metath...mentathar...menthol...dang it. He's gone to using 10 letter words on me. [:-boggled

Brian G.

No Fair! [:-paperba

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Originally posted by Brian G

Originally posted by ozofprev

Well, excuse me Brian for messin' with your metathesis. It's the thrid metathesis I've done that to this year...

My metath...mentathar...menthol...dang it. He's gone to using 10 letter words on me. [:-boggled

Brian G.

No Fair! [:-paperba

Purty is a metathesis, like third. Talk about unedjamacated (a 13 letter word, BTW)!

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