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The Dumbest Man on the Planet

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This is an incredible video. The light was too dim to see clearly, so the idiot in the photo decided to use a lighter to illuminate the tank he was looking into.

This reaffirms the fact that there's are dangerous idiots lurking everywhere among usso always be cognizant of what the other guy is doing.


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Many thanks to James Simmons (user name Mr. Electric) for pointing me to this one.



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Not to make light of tragedy, but this has to be the same sort of person who buys a generator after a big storm knocks the power out, brings it INTO his house, and cranks it before going to bed for the night (and eternity). In some quarters we've become so civilized, so far removed from a hands-on life, that things like this can happen out of sheer ignorance.

I can't help wondering what all sort of worthless junk this guy stored in his head (a brief history of Paris Hilton, for example), but didn't know it was dangerous to flick his Bic over an open gas tank port. Jeez.

Brian G.

Sympathy for the Burns, Amazment at the Ignorance [8]

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