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Get To Know Who Lives Around You

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Originally posted by hausdok

Hi All,

... It will tell you where criminals live around you and where they work...


Not really, it only lists Individuals on the Sex Offender Registry.

Although it is a good tool, do you want to live next door to other, non-sexual criminals?

It doesn't tell you about Murder.

It doesn't tell you about Assault & Battery.

It doesn't tell you about Burglary.

It doesn't tell you about Fraud.

It doesn't tell you about Identity Theft.

It doesn't tell you about Arson.

It doesn’t really tell you much about many, many criminals in our backyards.

If you're only concerned with Sex Offenders, these sites are great.

But they have limitations.

Perhaps we should demand that all criminals are listed in a National Registry, not just Sex Offenders.


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I didn't say it would list all types of criminals. Knowing where some of them live is a pretty good start.

I think anyone leaving jail should have to go through a psyche eval and those who the jail shrinks think could re-offend, and those convicted of crimes that have a high rate of recidivism, should be placed on a national register. There are plenty of criminals who've done their time and lead honest productive lives after they get out; then there are the others. Most of the time, when you hear about someone who re-offends, there was something that someone noticed about the individual that told them that person would re-offend but nothing got done about it.



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If you live in a city, it's always amazing how many little red squares show up everywhere. My little bungalow is surrounded by little red squares.

What's more amazing is there's folks out there that think they can just move away from the perv's.

I have an idea. Let's hide in the church. There's no perv's there..... uh, ummm, wait a minute. Where can I hide?

Sorry folks. Perv's is everywhere. Forget the map. Get to know your neighbors. Have a block party. Do it the old fashioned way. Internet maps is no way to run a neighborhood.

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No Kurt,

We can't hide. However, one of those little squares lives about 50 meters from me. Now that I know it, I've made sure that my wife is very familiar with his face. That way, if she hears a knock, looks out through the side light and sees him standing there, she won't open that door, and will call the police immediately. If it turns out he's got an emergency and is knocking on my door to use 911, she'll have them there just as quickly. Otherwise, I can't think of anything we've got in common or any reason he needs to be knocking on my door.

He definitely doesn't want to try breaking in on her or he'll get the surprise of his life.

OT - OF!!!


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Remember when we used to play outside until dark. Our parents told us to be careful, don't cross the highway, and be home for dinner. We lived without cell phones or GPS devices that allowed instant contact with our parents. We used to ride our bikes everywhere.

Now we make sure that our kids are watched by someone we know until they are big enough to kick ass or we make them stay in groups. We have to provide them with cell phones so we can know where they are in case they need a ride or we need to know that they are OK. Forget about hitchhiking anywhere!

I guess ignorence was bliss. In retrospect, I am sure that there were lots of perverts out there, we were just not as informed. Those of us that survived are just luckier.

On the same subject, we did some architectural work on a local prison for sex offenders. Some of the inmates did really horrible crimes to kids. Many of them looked like half of the people you see in any mall. The worst part is that the guards told me that the repeat rate is almost 100 percent and that their urges are worse than any drug addiction.

They have to put them in special prisons because you can't put them in mainstream prisons because the other inmates (murders, bank robbers, etc..) think that crimes against kids are especially deviant and will kill them. If you ask me, it sounds like a built in solution to the problem, but what do I know [:-paperba.

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Fortunately, we don't have any red squares anywhere near our home.

I'm afraid that one of the negative consequences of the internet is that it gives pedophiles (and other nut jobs of various types) the idea that what they are doing is actually acceptable. Drawing on what I remember from my college abnormal psych class, the more you believe that others share an activity or fetish with you, the less you believe that you have a problem. If they can punch up websites and see that others engage in the same behaviors, it "normalizes" the activities in their minds and allows them to rationalize their actions.

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