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CE Education

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Unless I am missing something here guys

1. The Forum listed by hausdok would have to picked apart what is CE and what is not- Although I appreciate the input?

2. The TREC website has a list of Companys That offer CE courses from providers that charge BIG BUCKS !!!

I am looking in more of the line of FREE CE's --surely there are some out there?

I have two professional licenses for the State of Texas and the other is in the medical field in which the CEU's are almost

always free. for example BLS(basic life support) or ACLS(advanced cardiovascular life support)....which offers CEU's of about 8-10 hours in which they are free.

If anyone can point me in the direction of FREE Ce's in the Home Inspection industry that would be wonderful.

Have a great day guys.


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Why in the heck should continuing education be free. Heck, if I was an instructor I would not spend my time teaching for free.

I'm sure that even with a "Free" class somebody is paying the instructor, it might be by an employer, a company or whoever. They are not doing it out of the goodness of their heart!

If you are looking for state approved education you should check with your state to see who is approved by your state. I'm betting that 99% of those state approved CE providers will not be offering free CE.

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Hi Plenty of the stuff in the topic area I posted is free, he just has to take the time to sift through them and find those that are free and which his association will accept. Apparently, he's not willing to take the time to look through those on his own and wants someone who's already done the work to tell him which ones he should be going to.

Sorry, I just don't have that kind of extra time. You're just going to have to force yourself to push a mouse around the desktop a little bit. [:D]

OT - OF!!!


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The only CE that will apply to your TREC license are those that are approved by TREC. That approval is something that costs money to obtain. Normal fee is about $150 for an 8 hour course from my experience. There are some that are cheaper for on-line, but you get what you pay for.

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I have to agree with Jim's comment above. I've not come across "any" free CE classes that were approved by TREC to keep your license current.

There are many classes about and even some 'online', but (repeating Jim) you get what you pay for.

HI is about 'always learning'. Yes, we need to be frugal, but we don't need to be cheap.

David mentioned the Certainteed online training. It is quite good. I've taken several of the courses and they are free, but they are not approved for TREC CE.

It appears that you are a newer HI ... just a suggestion from someone who considers himself 'wet behind the ears' ... spend some time digging for the information as you will learn a lot along the way.

As for me being 'wet behind the ears' ... I've only been doing residential HI for ~6 years. I did commercial design, development, construction and inspections for ~20 years.

I still learn "each and every" day.

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Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Plenty of the stuff in the topic area I posted is free, he just has to take the time to sift through them and find those that are free and which his association will accept. Apparently, he's not willing to take the time to look through those on his own and wants someone who's already done the work to tell him which ones he should be going to.

Sorry, I just don't have that kind of extra time. You're just going to have to force yourself to push a mouse around the desktop a little bit. [:D]

OT - OF!!!


Your RIGHT Hausdok--I can admit when I want to be lazy-if you want to call a spade a spade... I work everyday 12 hours a day and when I am not working at the hospital I am doing home inspections. I don't have any free time(NONE- i work every weekend as well)hardly to even spend with my family. Heck I am just now returning to this forum today since first posting. I do appreciate your cander and I don't want to start any flaming wars. PEACE !!!! :)

I did find a fine site that offered me 16 hours CE education and it was only $205 as I don't really have the time to look around much(for the free stuff) as my renewal is up in April. I paid for the course(plumbing --since i kinda needed a few little extra pointers in that dept) got the 2003 IRC complete code book and really learned nothing from the course except that I paid a high price for a Code book.

Although I did learn one thing with CE's in home inspection---its about the $$$..

I read through the code -in two hours-took the final exam That day and got my certificate Faxed to me within minutes. Total Time= 3 days and it took 3 days because i was waiting for the snail mail code book to reach me. HAHAHA

Anyways I appreciate everyone's input and I hope you all have a wonderful Year ahead.


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DP, why in the world would you want to work 12 hours at one job and then turn around and work additional hours at an entirely different profession? You need to make the jump to full-time inspections. If you can maintain the work ethics to keep you doing what you are now doing, it should be easy to make it as a full-time inspector.

Code books are cheap when you realize the amount of money that can be generated from one of them.

I just don't understand why folks think that everything should be free. The same logic goes with folks who are looking for the lowest price home inspector.

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