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Fun conversation

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Last week a realtor, "Al," contacted me for an inspection. I called the client, "Jim," and we did the inspection last Friday. Yesterday, the same realtor calls to line up an inspection.

Me: In the next few days, I am available on Sunday and Tuesday.

Al: OK, I think Tuesday should work.

Me: Great. What's the address?

Al: 123 Main St.

Me: Again?

Al: Again? What do you mean?

Me: Al, I did that building on Friday.

Al: (Long silence)

Me: Friday the 8th.

Al: Really?

Me: Yup. I got the report to Jim that evening.

Al: Huh. (More silence)

Me: Do you want to give Jim a call?

Al: Yeah. (I bit more silence) Guess I should.

Me: OK. You have the number. If you need anything, give me a call back.

He's a good guy. Brain fart, I guess. Have a good weekend, every one.

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