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1890 house

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Isn't that why the southern markets aren't hurting as bad now?

Most of the Texas market never had the fast run-up (appreciation) in values that was prevalent in many other areas. There was no "bubble" of over inflated values an thus no bubble to bust.

Of course if you look at the map on this particular house, it is in a small town a long way from any major cities. Just a function of supply and demand.

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Originally posted by AHI

Something like that in my area would be 3 times the price. It's amazing how much location factors into the cost. We're already thinking about a move after retirement. Sell this place for $600k and move to buy twice the house for half the money.

Isn't that why the southern markets aren't hurting as bad now?

Can't say much about the Southern market in general, but Nashville has been just fine. The market here is generally stable, and the population was savvy enough to stay away from ARMs.


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