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Anyone getting calls like this?

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I answered the phone today to be greeted with this question: "Are you still doing inspections?"

Every time in the past that this has happened, it was a call from someone for whom I had done an inspection a long time ago. In this case, the caller explained that several of the previous "inspectors" she called stated that they were no longer doing inspections. At the risk of sounding heartless, I really liked that bit of news since I'm here for the long run. Not surprisingly, I suppose, she did later state that my price was considerably higher than what few other quotes she had managed to get.

Have any of you experienced anything similar? Am I being optimistic in hoping that the guys who aren't truly committed are getting out?

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Originally posted by AHI in AR

Am I being optimistic in hoping that the guys who aren't truly committed are getting out?

They're dropping like flies around here. On a related note, this afternoon's job came from a referral from a realtor I truly love and trust and respect...he's been a top-producer for as long as I can remember. His *real* job, now, is loading and unloading trucks at Kohls department store...third shift. Sad to see it happen to the good ones, realtors and inspectors alike.

Yeah, more for us, but still...

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Originally posted by tbird

I'm getting calls like "How come your price is still the same, all the other inspectors have dropped their price and are giving great deals for inspections nowadays". Oh boy.

Make sure that you respond with something like, "Yeah, and look what happened to those who weren't charging enough to pay themselves enough so that they'd be able to make it through the tough times like right now. By dropping their prices, these other companies are cutting their own throats; if I do the same, it won't be long before I'm out of business too."

OT - OF!!!


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I also get those calls. Got one a day ago from an agent I haven't heard from in about a year. I told her I expect to be inspectin for the next 20 years so don't worry, I'll be here.

But now that I think about it does seem like I am getting more of those types of calls lately.

As far as the fees, my fees are already dirt low and yet I have been losing jobs to HI's undercuting me. Crazy!

Chris, Oregon

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ring ring ring - "Hello."

"No, Les is still in jail."

"Three weeks and he will be on a tether for 30 days"

"Can't your real estate lady's husband look at the house for you?"

"How is it that you know Les?"

"What were you in for?"

"OK, I'll call you when he gets out and we can schedule it then."

What the heck do they think I would be doing - Greeter at Wal-Mart??

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