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Since I burn things to stay warm, I subscribe to every free publication known to the free world.

Some of these are good reads and actually pertinent to my business.


If you fill out the questionnaire and say that you build roads and bridges for a living your world will be expanded by magnitudes to include the necessary publications that sell all the cool machines.

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Hi Chad,

I do the same as you, except I don't have anyplace to burn them or anything to burn them in - I live in a townhome complex. So, here I sit like Andy Rooney surrounded by paper. They're heavy, when I need to start culling them, I go through them, remove the articles I want, and toss the rest. It leaves me with lots of paper that's yet to be filed because I ran out of file cabinet space. The plastic milk crates are building up in the garage. I'm planning to make a run down to the Army base and pick up some filing cabinets at property disposal.

OT - OF!!!


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