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IW Registration Question

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I've got a question regarding registration times for IW. Being that this is my first one I don't know the protocol. The email I got says registration will begin at noon on Wednesday, but it says nothing about when it will end. Since I'm coming down and staying with a friend who's providing transportation also each day, I don't want to have to come in Wednesday just to register if it's not necessary. I figure parking alone will be a problem. I had assumed I could register Thursday AM before the sessions began. My email to ASHI asking about this wasn't answered.

Anybody know if I can register Thursday AM?

Also, I know the sessions start generally at 9, but when do things actually get going in the mornings like the vendor booths and such?

Lastly, I'll say that it should be interesting to actually meet some of you guys and put faces to the names. Any plans for a TIJ get-together of any sort?

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Registration is on-going, so Thurs will be ok. Remember there are hundreds of folks registering. I believe the actual sched is at their website. Look me up at the vendor area and I'll be moderating a class on Saturday 4-6 on historic house styles.

I believe the exhibit hall opens at 7am everyday.

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