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'Cus I'm a blonde - b l o n d

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I agree Erby, but it blows my little mind to see someone that ignorant not need the $25,000. Survival of the fittest?

Footnote: She actually does prove the model. Survival of the fittest does not mean smartest or strongest. It means most able to adapt to fit the current environment. She has mastered the rich dumb blonde speciation and the evolutionary forces of TV, Clairol and porn.

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Footnote: She actually does prove the model. Survival of the fittest does not mean smartest or strongest. It means most able to adapt to fit the current environment. She has mastered the rich dumb blonde speciation and the evolutionary forces of TV, Clairol and porn.

Gary Randolph

I'm pretty sure that's Kelly Pickler, a country singer who made more money off of one song about red high heels than the cumulative total for all home inspectors from 1995 to current.

uhh, Terry? I'm curious to know what search terms you were using to yield the result : "pretty, dumb blonde" or was it "pretty dumb blonde"

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

She's about a bright as the average "US-American", such as....

Funny, when I watched the two-party debate the other night, I turned to my wife and said, "They all sound like Miss Teen South Carolina."

Who, by the way, was just not ready to answer her question, so she panicked. A few days later, she gave a short, sweet and smart answer to the question.

I think she'll be OK.


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