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1927 Illinois Hunting License

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I received some old building books for Christmas and found a 1927 Illinois Resident Hunting License between the pages. City of Harrisburg, County of Saline.

It was issued to Elizo Harper, 46yrs, 5'7", 154lbs, blue eyes, light hair with no distinguishing marks. If any of you know him, have him call me.

It clearly states you cannot use Ferrets, Weasels, Guinea Pigs or rats.

If any of you can use it or want it, e/m me and I'll send it on.

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Originally posted by Les

I received some old building books for Christmas and found a 1927 Illinois Resident Hunting License between the pages. City of Harrisburg, County of Saline.

It was issued to Elizo Harper, 46yrs, 5'7", 154lbs, blue eyes, light hair with no distinguishing marks. If any of you know him, have him call me.

It clearly states you cannot use Ferrets, Weasels, Guinea Pigs or rats.

If any of you can use it or want it, e/m me and I'll send it on.

Ok, I'm not a hunter, I don't know Elizo Harper and I'm not interested in his hunting license.

But I've just got to know what a hunter might want to do with ferrets, weasels, guinea pigs or rats. I'm even more interested in knowing why the State of Illinois would want to prohibit a hunter from using ferrets, weasels, guinea pigs or rats in any way he pleases.

Or are we talking about trapping?


- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Exactly. Same thing for most burrowing rodents; ferrets & weasels get in & flush the rabbits. I think the same goes for Muskrat. It was in that transitionary period when hunting went from being something you did for food to something you did for sport; the States wanted to keep it sportsmanlike.

Mmmmmm, a little deep fried muskrat would be good right now......

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Originally posted by Brad Manor

At one time folks would use ferrets to hunt rabbits. Find both holes to the rabbit warren, put a ferret in one and wait at the other. Ferrets and rabbits have a natural dislike for one another.


Ok, that makes sense. However you say, "Find both holes to the rabbit warren . . . " Ha! That's like saying, "Create cold fusion on a countertop . . . "

So why would Illinois object to using a ferret to flush out rabbits?

Were they concerned about depleting the supply of rabbits? (yeah, right.)

Were they concerned about poor working conditions for the ferrets? Or maybe they wanted you to use union ferrets. Or, if you believe in conspiracy theories, perhaps the gopher snake union was behind the whole thing . . . yeah, that's it. That might also explain the guinea pigs & rats.

Damn unions!

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Originally posted by SonOfSwamp

Only recently have I learned that "ferreteria" is Spanish for "hardware."

I keep picturing ferrets confined in a plastic playpen...


In a wonderfully strange way, that image is appropriate. Ask Mr. Morrison to describe Mexican hardware stores. They're very different from our U.S. counterparts. Ferrets in a plastic playpen is an apt analogy.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Sorry guys, Jerry jumped on the rare opportunity to have a 1927 hunting license!

Guinea pigs squeal and that attracts game, then bang you kill it!

The bag limits were 15 per day for most named animals. No limit on English Sparrows, crows etc.

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