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Evaluate my website

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OK, background color. Since I can make each page a different color so you can see each and make your choice, I'll put the colors I have here and let you vote.

First off, I hate white. To me white means empty wasted space. Of course too much color can be a bad thing too. Now these are my PERSONAL feelings and I need to do what is best, not what I like. This is a business, not a blog. Anyways take a look and let me know what you think.

In all of these templates, the darker color is on the left side bar, the lighter is the menu area and the main area is white. I currently put up the gray to look at. BTW I know some text colors will have to change if I change the background, but I'll do that after I decide.

And dammit, I gotta get the logo fixed again if I change. [/size][:-censore[:-banghea[:-gnasher[:-headach[:-irked][:-timebm]


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I know that you are a single inspector operation, but you don't want to advertise that. Remove the word "I" everywhere that it appears and replace it with "we". After all, this is a family business and even though your wife may not be out there inspecting homes, she is still involved.

Using the word I implies limited resources and availability on your part. I have had several people call me and state that "one of your inspectors inspected the home at ...." I don't tell them that I am a one man operation unless specifically asked.

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Originally posted by sepefrio

Agree with the spelling errors. Most are from typing at 2am. But I just found a cool program to help spell check the site. 99% are more typo's than errors and I cleaned up a bunch today.

Not that I'm the World's Foremost Authority, but let me gently suggest: It ain't just spelling, typos and the occasional syntax error. You want the text to flow nicely, have a cadence, have a voice. You want your website to be a good read, and you want it to make you look like a 100% honest genius.

Your website will create potential customers' impression of who you are, what you do, and how you think. You need to make a perfect impression. You'll need a pro writer/editor and a pro web designer to do that. Here's why: you cannot edit your own writing. If writers could do that, there would be no pro editors. Your words will sound just fine in your own head. They won't sound so good in the heads of others until/unless they're polished up to pro level. After you read your own words two or three times, you won't even "hear" them anymore. You'll just read, "blah, blah..."

One last thing: A post in this thread suggests that you replace "I" with "we." I respectfully disagree. If there ain't two or more employees at your shop, there ain't no "we." It's puffery. Don't puff.

If you feel like you have to use something other than, "I," use something like, "My company..." If your biz is a corporation, with officers, go ahead and use "we" if you like it.

And whatever you do, don't call yourself, "The Inspector..."


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"BTW Ken, not slamming ya or getting back or stupid stuff like that, just thought it would be cool to look, so I spell checked your site. In your meta tag for description you spelled inspection wrong, on 15 different pages. The description helps with search engines and spelling errors there can hurt."

We do complete residential home inspections for home buyers and pre-sale inspectins for home sellers.

OK, thanks. I fixed that one, where are the other 14? There are less than 15 pages on my site.

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