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Inspection World 2008-- worth going?

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I just checked the forecast for N.O. ...better pack warm. The next 4 days show highs in the low to mid 50's, with lows from the mid 30's to the mid 40's. It can get pretty chilly in the French quarter, down by the river (which is where the conference is).

Brian G.

What Global Warming? [:-cold]

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I am here, it is raining, pumps seem to be working, no wireless available, ate a bad hamburger last nite, had to acknowledge that I knew Scott P and Noel Zak in public, cold, costs me $15 a day for web access, having a good time - wish you were here!!

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Jeez Les,

For $15 a day you better spend some more time on here and tell us more. I hereby ordain you official TIJ IW 2008 reporter. Gee, I'm sorry you had to speak to Scott and Noel in public. Don't let it get you down, just look in the mirror and repeat, "I'm a good person," over and over until you feel better. [:)]

OT - OF!!!



Just kidding Scott and Noel. Noel, anyone who would travel 2500 miles just to testify for 10 minutes on behalf of Washington State home inspectors is OK in my book. Scott's kewl, too. One of these days when I finally meet him face-to-face, I intend to rub his tummy for good luck 'cuz he kind of reminds me of the smiling Budda. [;)]

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If IW 2009 is going to be at Disney World, I'll probably be going. I have family that I haven't visited in Titusville, which is about an hour east of Orlando and on the land side of Cape Canaveral, and I have two boys who will be age 10 and 7 at that time.

It'll be my first time at IW or Disney (as an adult).

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I just sat through the first session (new construction, pretty good), I've eaten for free twice already (also pretty good), and it isn't quite as cold outside as yesterday. I got to meet and talk with my new E &O carriers, I've checked out new toys, and harrassed Les a little. So far it's all good. [^]

Kurt, where the heck are you? How can I buy you that shrimp po-boy if you're not here? [?]

Brian G.

Staying 1 Block From Mother's Restaurant [:P]

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Originally posted by Brian G

Kurt, where the heck are you? How can I buy you that shrimp po-boy if you're not here? [?]

Brian G.

Staying 1 Block From Mother's Restaurant [:P]

The Gentleman from Mississippi has honored his debt by remembering.

I've got a couple jobs going that can't be put aside, and given the otherwise (very) slow business climate, I couldn't justify the trip. That, and I just felt like cooping up, reading, painting, writing, and reflecting.

Sorry to have missed the opportunity to hang w/you though. You're a brother in the campaign.

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No biggie Kurt, we'll get the chance to settle up somewhere.

Phillip and I ate at Maspero's last night, as per the recommendation by Kevin's buddy. It was exactly as advertised. Nothing on the menu was more then $12, including the shrimp plate I had (that was piled high!). [:P] That's the only meal I've paid for so far.

I was sorely disappointed when the New Orleans Cafe wasn't open for breakfast this morning...don't know what the deal was there. [:-weepn]

Tomorrow morning, before the first session, two lawyers for my new E&O carrier (BRP) will be set up in one of the small rooms to answer questions. I have a few, and I look forward to asking legal questions of a couple of actual E&O lawyers. [:-mischie

Brian G.

Tall Easy in the Big Easy [:-party]

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I think I have gained 5lbs in the past couple of days, food is everywhere! This is one of the first inspector conferences that all of the day meals and snacks are provided. Coffee, soft drinks, bottled water and snacks are in the exhibit hall during the entire day.

I did learn of a PEX class action lawsuit that has been filed against Zurn. Seems that the fittings are failing.

Next year will be at Disneyworld at the Contemporary Hotel

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Some of the inspectors are saying that some of the class was not what they thought they would be. I have got something out of each class I have been to.

Last night after supper we when down to a litte place with a live band. The little gal could sang. She done Proud Mary right. I will post a photo of her and myself when I get back to the house.

I know I had a good time along with a few others but I will let them tell you about it.

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The G Man hath returned home.

I can't remember the name of that little blues club we went to, but the band was seriously tight and the girl could indeed sing. We stayed about an hour, more or less, which was long enough for Phillip to cut a rug up by the stage. He was like a rocket; he burned hot and soared high, but not for long. [:D]

We had headed back down Bourbon, when I was ambushed! Phillip grabbed me in a headlock while Chris (from Montgomery, AL) pinned my arms behind my back! I fought like a tiger, but I was outnumbered and taken by surprise. They wrestled me into a joint called "Lipstixx", where barely-clad young women took turns dancing around a brass pole while getting even less clad! I was forced to grin, whoop, and generally cut-up like a redneck, all while slipping dollars into G-strings....IT WAS AWFUL!!! I finally managed to escape after an hour and a half. [:I]

The next morning I looked in the mirror and found traces of glitter on both sides of my face, in large, curved patterns. I'm trying to cope with the mental anguish of it all. [:-boggled Damn those Alabama boys! [:-weepn]

The President's Gala was easily the best I've been to. The food was very good, and it was FOOD! None of that "silly food" that makes a man long for something to eat. The gumbo was outstanding, probably the best I've ever had. Gulf shrimp in Tasso sauce over cheese grits was also quite good, and a new one for me. I can't remember all of the rest.

The band would have warmed Doug Hansen's heart. They were all Mo-Town, and brother they cooked with fire (they were called E.F.S., though I didn't hear what that stood for). Ten members, including one male lead singer and three female back-ups, except all the back-ups could and did sing lead as well. They had more of the crowd on the dance floor than any band I've seen at one of those things (your loss Kurt). They played well past what was listed on the program, then left for a later engagement.

The classes were generally good, though I wouldn't rate them at the top from previous experience.

All in all, if you didn't have a good time in New Orleans, you can only blame yourself. I doubt if I'll go to Disney next year, but things may change by then. I was just there summer before last, with the family, and left with a mixed impression. The parks and rides were pretty good; the food was mediocre. Disney is out by itself, on its own property, so if you don't stay in the resort where the conference is (undoubtedly between $150 - 200 a night) you'll have to drive in (or take a cab) every day from wherever you do stay. If you want to go anywhere off the Disney property while you're there; same deal.

Brian G.

Used and Abused on Bourbon Street [:-paperba[:P]

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Originally posted by Brian G

The G Man hath returned home.

I can't remember the name of that little blues club we went to, but the band was seriously tight and the girl could indeed sing. We stayed about an hour, more or less, which was long enough for Phillip to cut a rug up by the stage. He was like a rocket; he burned hot and soared high, but not for long. [:D]

We had headed back down Bourbon, when I was ambushed! Phillip grabbed me in a headlock while Chris (from Montgomery, AL) pinned my arms behind my back! I fought like a tiger, but I was outnumbered and taken by surprise. They wrestled me into a joint called "Lipstixx", where barely-clad young women took turns dancing around a brass pole while getting even less clad! I was forced to grin, whoop, and generally cut-up like a redneck, all while slipping dollars into G-strings....IT WAS AWFUL!!! I finally managed to escape after an hour and a half. [:I]

The next morning I looked in the mirror and found traces of glitter on both sides of my face, in large, curved patterns. I'm trying to cope with the mental anguish of it all. [:-boggled Damn those Alabama boys! [:-weepn]

The President's Gala was easily the best I've been to. The food was very good, and it was FOOD! None of that "silly food" that makes a man long for something to eat. The gumbo was outstanding, probably the best I've ever had. Gulf shrimp in Tasso sauce over cheese grits was also quite good, and a new one for me. I can't remember all of the rest.

The band would have warmed Doug Hansen's heart. They were all Mo-Town, and brother they cooked with fire (they were called E.F.S., though I didn't hear what that stood for). Ten members, including one male lead singer and three female back-ups, except all the back-ups could and did sing lead as well. They had more of the crowd on the dance floor than any band I've seen at one of those things (your loss Kurt). They played well past what was listed on the program, then left for a later engagement.

The classes were generally good, though I wouldn't rate them at the top from previous experience.

All in all, if you didn't have a good time in New Orleans, you can only blame yourself. I doubt if I'll go to Disney next year, but things may change by then. I was just there summer before last, with the family, and left with a mixed impression. The parks and rides were pretty good; the food was mediocre. Disney is out by itself, on its own property, so if you don't stay in the resort where the conference is (undoubtedly between $150 - 200 a night) you'll have to drive in (or take a cab) every day from wherever you do stay. If you want to go anywhere off the Disney property while you're there; same deal.

Brian G.

Used and Abused on Bourbon Street [:-paperba[:P]

Well Brian got most of it right. Chris and I did have a hold of him. We where not dragging in, we where trying to keep him.[;)]

Brian did drag us into the place. He had to be hog tie to his chair to keep him off the stage and out of the back room.[:-censore

While inside my hat got knocked off 3 or 4 time and my glasses got fogged up.[^]

Here is the photo of the singer at the blues club.

Image Insert:


113.6 KB

Here is a photo of the closing night. do you se anyone you know?

Image Insert:


94.08 KB

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Originally posted by sirch

I was in my room doing my bible studies and drinking sweet milk, just ask my wife.


I was in my room...

Since when does Lipstixx rent rooms (for the night)? [-crzwom]

..doing my bible studies....

I've never heard 'em called "bibles" before. [:-dev3]

..and drinking sweet milk....

When did Budweiser start bottling sweet milk? [:-drunk]

...just ask my wife.

Yeah...she believes every word you say (same as mine). [:-crazy]

Brian G.

Innocent Bystander [:-angel]

(Welcome to TIJ Chris)

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Brian G.

Innocent Bystander

Brian, Brian, Brian...having heard the story pour forth from your lips early the next morning...and judging from the willingness (if not outright glee) evident when you posted the story here, I must reluctantly conclude that you were NOT an innocent bystander.

I'm crushed at your lack of veracity. (And more than a little disappointed I wasn't present to witness the debauchery firsthand.)


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@#$^@#^ stay off of the board for a week and look at the lies! OF the whole bunch Brian and I were the only sober ones. I took the noble route and walked my poodles.

And as to the picture, I'll never tell who goosed me or where.

Lots of good material, and some sorry, but the whole shin dig gits an A+ from me.

15 bucks a day to access the net! I just used the sprint card. It left me more "G" money to loan Brian and Phillip.

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I will agree with Charlie about over all it was a good gig. If it was not his wife that goosed him he is in trouble. I do have other photos and I know Charlie in one more of them.

I had a good time, met some good poeple and learn a little. But I did not have to borrow any "G" money. When you hold on to a beer so long that the bar tender ask if she needs to put a nipple on it you are not drinking much.

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