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Inspection World 2008-- worth going?

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I'll be attending Inspection World in New Orleans this year. Never having gone before, I decided this would be the best opportunity since I have a good friend who lives there who not only will let me stay with him, he volunteered to chauffeur me to and from the seminar. The affordability factor went way up with that news. (Not to mention we always have a great time together.)

Am I correct in assuming that the education should be first rate? Our state HI association does a really good job each year with a local 2-day CE seminar and we've had some good speakers through the last few years. (Hansen, Drennan, Cramer, etc.) Unfortunately, they aren't all of the same caliber.

Admittedly, I don't know the speakers this year. Any of you guys going or not going just due to the topics or the guys leading the classes?

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Originally posted by AHI in AR

I'll be attending Inspection World in New Orleans this year. Never having gone before, I decided this would be the best opportunity since I have a good friend who lives there who not only will let me stay with him, he volunteered to chauffeur me to and from the seminar. The affordability factor went way up with that news. (Not to mention we always have a great time together.)

Am I correct in assuming that the education should be first rate? Our state HI association does a really good job each year with a local 2-day CE seminar and we've had some good speakers through the last few years. (Hansen, Drennan, Cramer, etc.) Unfortunately, they aren't all of the same caliber.

Admittedly, I don't know the speakers this year. Any of you guys going or not going just due to the topics or the guys leading the classes?

Although I hate to say it, I'm not going for the single reason that the speaker line-up looks pretty dismal to me this year.

Last year's Inspection World was excellent. Practically perfect in every way. I loved the Code Check track and I learned a lot.

This year there are a few speakers that I'd enjoy hearing but, on the whole, the line up looks dissappointing.

But don't let my prejudice influence you. You're bound to find at least 2 or 3 good classes and New Orleans is a blast.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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I am prejudiced. That said, I know you will "learn" enough to justify the costs. I just happen to know every presenter you mentioned and yes they are first rate. However, I can tell you that often you may actually learn something new, when the presenter is not familiar.

I was on the ASHI education committee for several years on a couple of occasions and the task of selecting instructors is quite difficult. Jim K had it right about the Code Check Track. That is one track that should be expanded. The challenge is the newer person vs the old fart. Hard to do. Of course there is always a business tract and we all can use that!

Look me up when you get there - short balding guy hanging around vendor models or more likely around the ASHI membership booth.

It is fun and the conversations in the lobby sometimes are worth the price of admission.

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I've not missed an IW since I started. Always more to learn but as has been said people to meet.

This year it is digital again. A CD is given out at the reg table. Just got an email a day or so ago that has links to the presentations. The files are huge but it's a great way to pick your courses.

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by Les

Lake Buena Vista, Florida, I believe Disney Contemporary.

So it looks like I'll be missing next year too.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

Me, too. Went to Disney IW in 2003. Druther poke out my own eyes than go back. Ersatz everything.


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Originally posted by sepefrio

Whats wrong with Disney?

Nothing. I guess I've just outgrown it. When the kids were little, I could go to IW and bring the family. It worked pretty well. But after returning several times, the place starts to wear on you. Everything's very expensive. Everything's very mediocre and everything's very, very fake -- as Walter pointed out.

With very few exceptions, IW tends to go in a circle from Disney to Vegas to New Orleans. There were stops in San Diego, Austin and Albequerque. I'd like to see more of those.

I understand that they want to stay away from the northern cities in January. One year, back in the early '90s a staff member jokingly said that the next conference would be in Duluth. Angry letters abounded. But what would be wrong with DC, Nashville, Raleigh Durham, Atlanta, Huntsville, Santa Fe, San Francisco, Portland or Seattle?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Boston has always been high on my list. DW is one of the most popular. Shoot, I'd even like Philly! St Louis is not high on my list, but I have always enjoyed myself there.

One of the problems is the numbers of inspectors. It is not a small gathering.

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I'm with Walter. I'd rather give up an internal organ than be forced to stand in line for the Dumbo ride. I'm a native Floridian and have been going to Disney for years. As a kid its great but as an adult its intolerable.

All that being said I will probably attend IW in Orlando just because its only about 1.5 hrs away. I'll bring my home on wheels though and camp out at Lake Louisa State Park for a couple of days.

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When you plan these get-to-gether's you need to have a facility large enough to hold your group. When ASHI even talked about going North the members screamed. Remember that many HI's use this conference as an annual vacation and want a warm or moderate climate. We have, in fact, done Boston, Atlanta, St. Louis, (the wind chill in SL was about 40below and the automatic doors on the hotel froze open everytime they opened), Palm Springs, San Diego, Orange County, Phoenix, San Antonio, and a bunch of others. The best attended conferences are probably Disney, (either left or right coast) or Lost Wages. The last conference in New Orleans was a hit with a very good attendance.

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Originally posted by davidlord

I'm with Walter. I'd rather give up an internal organ than be forced to stand in line for the Dumbo ride.

My cousin Furman used to live in Orlando. He told me that I was welcome to visit, but if I wanted to go to Disney World, I'd have to go by myself.

To which I responded: "You're welcome to come up to my place anytime. But if you want to go to the Opry..."



Q: What's a hundred feet long at has 32 teeth?

A: Front row at the Opry.

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

But what would be wrong with DC, Nashville, Raleigh Durham, Atlanta, Huntsville, Santa Fe, San Francisco, Portland or Seattle?

Personally, I agree. I'd like any of those, or Boston, Philly, & St. Louis. And maybe somewhere else on the Gulf Coast, once it's rebuilt (Biloxi, Mobile, etc.). The far west coast air fares might make me think twice, but you guys have the same thing coming this way.

I'd like to see Chicago some time, but I can understand not doing it in January.

What year was it in St. Louis, when the doors kept freezing open? I've been there every winter, either Thankgiving or Christmas, for the last 13 years, and only seen snow once. It's usually little or no colder there than it is here (Mississippi).

Brian G.

Variety Is the Spice of Life [:-thumbu]

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What year was it in St. Louis, when the doors kept freezing open? I've been there every winter, either Thankgiving or Christmas, for the last 13 years, and only seen snow once. It's usually little or no colder there than it is here (Mississippi).

Brian G.

Variety Is the Spice of Life[/navy] [:-thumbu]

Don't remember the year, may have been when Rick Heyl was pres or maybe Jerry Leosch, but I do remember the wind and the cold. P.S. The Arch was one of the featured tours and the group discovered termites in one of the entry areas.

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I don't know if they'd want to come to Seattle in January. January is probably the one month of the year where you can really depend on Seattle to live up to its undeserved reputatation as a rainy place. This time of the year, we're in almost a permanent state of twilight, overcast and drizzle. Now, change it to the summer months and there isn't a better place to be with the climate and the plethora of stuff going on around here; but the winter?....uh, uh.

OT - OF!!!


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