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Web page - Under construction is a NO NO

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Hey folks, since there were a few topics about web pages I thought I would share some info I got in a recent meeting with a web developer. NEVER, under any circumstances use the words under and construction together. When I mentioned to him that I would just make a holding page and say my site is under construction, you would think I just told the pope he was Jewish. Even if it is buried on a rarely visited page, if it shares the same home page you are destroying your ranking. Apparently Google, Yahoo and the other search engines have bots that read pages looking for key words. If it finds "under construction" anywhere, it applies a severe penalty to the web page. Thus, if your web page had previously shown up on the first page of search results, adding those two words can drive it back to page 17. I've noticed a few of you out there have these words on your sites. I suggest you find a new way to say what you mean. But remember, even if your talking about your house and you say the garage is still under construction, it applies the penalty. Also try and avoid similar things like under going construction.

Kevin, not throwing you under the bus and I hope it's cool I use your site as an example, but I found this on your page in the left column.

This site is new, and parts of it are still under construction. If you have any comments or suggestions to enable the site to better serve the needs of you, our clients, please feel free to submit them.

If you remove or reword the under construction part, your ranking should improve. BTW I like you site lat out, mind if I show it to my developer as a site that looks good?

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I like it under the bus.[;)]

Seriously, I must question whether your web site guru is as wise as he thinks he is. I'm not a website expert by any means, but I set my site up solo and I delved deeper into SEO (search engine optimization) than I ever thought I would -- or had previously cared to. Arelis has some great SEO programs; I suggest you check them out. You may end up doing a better job with your site than your "expert." After all, you have more reason to see it succeed.

Why am I so sure that the phrase "under construction" is NOT the kiss o' death? Google "home inspection (or "home inspector") Little Rock, AR" and you'll find that my site comes up in the first page both times. In fact, it's the top listing below index sites such as InspectionZone.com or the SuperPages.com listings. (I am there, prominently, also.)

Seems clear to me that Google doesn't bump you for pages that mention "under construction." In fact, that same wording has been there since day over a year ago. Additionally, I have a whole section that also says "under construction." I debuted at a dreadful # 157 on Google with the same search terms. It steadily improved each time a Google bot crawled my page.

Google changes their ranking algorithms constantly. However, quality inbound links and relevant (and changing) content still have the most effect. You can have the greatest site in the world, but it won't do you a bit of good if almost no one sees it.

One other thing... if anyone actually checks my site, you will find the NACHI logo. DO NOT read too much into that. Please. Around here, there are several RE companies who tell their clients to make sure that their home inspector is a member of SOME national organization -- they make no distinction among them. I signed up for NACHI as an immediate fix. (Yeah, I know that's part of the problem, but don't condemn me yet.) I have actually been doing inspections for 9 years; I'm not exactly wet behind the ears. I was able to join NACHI at a deeply discounted rate if I attended an 8 hour CE class in Memphis (5 hours round trip, no less) that I thought would be useful. I would also point out that the class didn't even count for CE hours here since it was in another state. While I think there are some good inspectors in the group, I don't care at all for the hype and marketing thrust that NACHI embodies. I'd prefer an organization that strives to improve education and professionalism. Being the oldest, I chose ASHI. I am in the process of applying to there and will take the NHIE when I have time after IW later this month.



Do what you want with my site. I also looked at a lot of other sites prior to setting up mine and got tired of the sameness. Most looked like the text was the same except where the inspector inserted his own name. Your home is your biggest investment...stress when you purchase...you need an inspection...blah, blah, blah.

I bought a $99 template that had nothing to do with HI work and customized the fool out of it. I used Microsoft FrontPage and I update it regularly myself. It's kinda cool to be able to add new info almost immediately. And don't forget, it's far cheaper than paying your web geek to do it!

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lol, no worries, threads inside a web page or any database type info doesn't count. They use too until people would intentionally do exactly that to drive their opponents down the list.

BTW, I'm just telling you what I was told. Unless it contains the Buccaneers or poker, I don't know much about web pages. He stressed it enough to make it sound important and I figured, even if he is wrong, it can't hurt.

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Originally posted by sepefrio

lol, no worries, threads inside a web page or any database type info doesn't count. They use too until people would intentionally do exactly that to drive their opponents down the list.

BTW, I'm just telling you what I was told. Unless it contains the Buccaneers or poker, I don't know much about web pages. He stressed it enough to make it sound important and I figured, even if he is wrong, it can't hurt.

I have also heard from web design guru's that META tags don't work because they are "old school". IMO, they work well enough to keep my site high in the rankings. I'm sure that better things can be done to improve a website, but why change if it's working for you?

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