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marketing email

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I will be writing a short email to send out to realtors mainly. I have a list with the emails of 4000+ agents in my area. It will only be a short bit to say I am in business and provide a link to my site.

I am searching for opinions for the "subject" header in the email. This is important since it will be the first thing they see. What is written there may be the factor in whether they open the mail or not. If they don't open the mail, they certainly wont be clicking on the link to my site.

In your opinion, what is an attractive subject header?

Oh yeah, I realize I have opened myself up to smart ass comments here. Please save your "free boobie pics" suggestions, as an attractive header.

It needs to be attractive but not mis-leading.

So far I have come up with either of these two:

"Home Inspection"

"Good Luck in 2008"

Help me out here. Can you think of anything better?

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I don't like the idea at all, but if you are going to do it - - - - -

1. Come up with something truthfull.

2. Remember they are in the business of BS, so catch phrases may not work.

3. Consider making the message personal - put their name in it.

It is my opinion you will do more harm than good.

Real estate agents get more junk e/m than most folks

Save your efforts for personal contacts.

Free Bobby ain't all bad, 'cause they will open it.

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Think of what you do with junk email or spam? I have great filters and I seldom see it anymore.

IMO, it would be a waste of time and could hurt you.

If you still want to send email's like this then send them to agents that you have done work for in the past. They will already know your name and it might make it through their email filters if you have emailed a report to them in the past.

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Originally posted by Les


I don't like the idea at all, but if you are going to do it - - - - -

1. Come up with something truthfull.

2. Remember they are in the business of BS, so catch phrases may not work.

3. Consider making the message personal - put their name in it.

It is my opinion you will do more harm than good.

Real estate agents get more junk e/m than most folks

Save your efforts for personal contacts.

Free Bobby ain't all bad, 'cause they will open it.

I'm with Les. As an agent I get 30-40 unsolicited emails a day, and they are all pitching something. Almost all get deleted. That being said, if you want to get your emails opened here are a few thoughts:

If you send 4,000 unsolicited emails, you're lucky if you get a 1% response rate. It more likely will be closer to .1%, and that will be people telling you to refrain from sending more emails.

As an inspector, I found that this technique worked well, but took some effort.

1. Drive around your market area and jot down the info from the "For Sale" signs, along with the street address.

2. Get the agent's email from their website or office.

3. Send them an email with the listing's street address as the subject line. (i.e- "RE: 123 Maple Ave") This will get opened about 99% of the time.

4. Offer them a pre-listing inspection with a deep discount, as a way for them to get to know you. Make sure you keep you email short and to the point.

It's more work, but you'll get a much higher positive response rate.

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Originally posted by kurt

If you like the idea of being lumped together w/the folks that sell penile enlargement drugs & equipment, go for it.

If your inspection lasts for more than four hours, consult you doctor. My inspection is only for those that are healthy enough to reads facts! My inspection will not make you a better person and should not be scheduled if you have high blood pressure or low ethical standards.

mite werk!

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Originally posted by chrisprickett ... I'm with Les. As an agent I get 30-40 unsolicited emails a day, and they are all pitching something. Almost all get deleted. ...

Synching up with comments from Les & Chris ...

Several agents I work closely with in the DFW market have told me that the load of unsolicited e-mails on a daily basis gets dumped. They have told me that they get about 15-20 each week if not more in some cases. They said that they don't even bother looking at them.

USPS mailings and mailbox stuffing is not the best investment of advertising $$ either. The hit rate is very low.

It's not just inspectors so just imagine what they cull through and I find that most just 'delete'.

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Originally posted by AHI

Help me out here. Can you think of anything better?

Many years back, when I was just getting started, I created an informative newsletter with useful and interesting content, and I had a courier deliver it to RE offices. Business tripled that year, and I never had to market to RE agents again.

Might still work. I suggest no sales talk or puffery, just useful and correct info about houses. Humor's good, too.


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