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Happy everything to all

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I would like to wish everyone here a happy Holiday season.

I hope all of you have a good time with your family and Friends.

I had a good time last night going out and seeing lights with my grand kids.

I would like to thanks the Mikes and crew that has this wonderful BB here for me to learn.

Thanks to everyone that has answer my questions no matter how dumb they where.

One day I would like to meet you all.

I wish everyone a better year next year than this year.

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A Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!

And a Happy Holidays to those who celebrate in other ways.

I was doing the same thing last night with my grandkids, Phil.

Had a great time.

Four Hours of Fun with Southern Lights at the Kentucky Horse Park The website just doesn't do it justice. I tried to get some pictures of the light displays but they just didn't come out.

Kentucky Horse Park WebCam If it's dark, so will the picture be dark!

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