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Everyone here is bright and I'm sure each of us has an investment strategy for the coins in the piggy bank.

Are you doing something outside the box?

We have a few stocks that have performed very well, and the stock market has produced the greatest return for us by far, but as I get older I'm not as willing to assume the risk for the larger returns.

E Trade has a 5.05% savings, Ameritrade has a 5.10% 3 month cd, GE online services just canceled their 5.05% savings and I'm afraid the others will follow soon.

I made over a dollar by stringing DevWave along for three months on my website hosting.

I'd be interested in hearing what you folks are doing; I trust your opinions as much as any financial adviser.

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That's a classic, Les. But it doesn't fit in the new 'green' world.

My wife and I worked our collective asses off so we could 'retire' early. I put retire in quotes because neither of us can sit still, so we keep working at what we like to do even though we don't need to. The plan we used (mostly):

1. Make a lot of money as early as you can and start an IRA/401K when you're young.

2. Don't live like you make a lot of money.

3. Have face-to-face time with your investor - at least semiannually. You are their boss.

4. Move to more conservative investments as you age. We are at 50/50 right now.

5. Don't live in a way that risks everything - like having an occupation prone to successful law suits.

6. Don't trust home inspectors for legal or financial advice.

Oh, I almost forgot. Don't get divorced!

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I like Gary's advice and should be following Kurt's!

Maybe a little soft advice from an old man is in order. Do not be afraid to share your time and knowledge. Funny thing how we have many devices, tools and institutions that help us measure our wealth and precious few tangible ways to measure our worth and importance to others. Find ways to incorporate "good works" into your financial plan.

I especially like Gary's last bit of advice - "Don't get divorced!"

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by kurt

Pacific Coast Latin American real estate.

Too late.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

Yes and no. Depends where. You're not going to find anything ocean front that's not totally blown out expensive, but there's big (very, very big) development plans for several areas in a band roughly 10 miles wide along the entire coast.

I have several friends making ridiculous gains on their investments in dirt well inland from the coast. There's still opportunity, but you're not going to find it reading about it; you have to go there, and know someone.

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Originally posted by ozofprev

That's a classic, Les. But it doesn't fit in the new 'green' world.

My wife and I worked our collective asses off so we could 'retire' early. I put retire in quotes because neither of us can sit still, so we keep working at what we like to do even though we don't need to. The plan we used (mostly):

1. Make a lot of money as early as you can

2. Turn it over to a professional to manage for you. You can never do it as well because you are emotionally invested. Kinda like a lawyer defending himself.

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That's 1/2 joke to start with Gary. We're required to have E&O in MS, so poverty is actually no protection at all. Any crooked or crazy client can always just try for a quick 5 grand from the insurance company.

Then there's the "me, alone vs. a few hundred reel-tors" part. I'm winning, but it's slow. [:-crazy]

Besides, poverty ain't so bad if you're used to it. [^]

Brian G.

Where's a Rich, Old, Childless Uncle When You Need Him? [:-slaphap

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