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Trans Siberian Orchestra

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One day I knew I was in trouble when my oldest daughter (12) started telling me how great of a father I am. Well it only took about 15 minutes of that before she asked me to take her to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert. She had heard about it and some of their music in band class.

Well, tonight we go. And like everything else I do, I figure if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right so I got 5th row just right of center. I've looked TSO up on the internet and some of their songs I recognize but I don't know much about them. Of course I also see a lot of raving reviews too. I was just curious if any of you have seen them before and how they are?

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Heck yes! I just saw their Christmas special on PBS and last year we had a thread in here where the lights on a house that had been super decorated for the holidays and featured in a beer commercial had been set to their music.

Click here!

Lots of energy in their music. I got tired just watching them on TV.



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Originally posted by sepefrio

One day I knew I was in trouble when my oldest daughter (12) started telling me how great of a father I am. Well it only took about 15 minutes of that before she asked me to take her to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert. She had heard about it and some of their music in band class.

I don't know anything about TSO, but you're smart to jump on any chance you get to do this kind of stuff with your daughter while she still wants you to.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

I don't know anything about TSO, but you're smart to jump on any chance you get to do this kind of stuff with your daughter while she still wants you to.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

LOL! I know what you mean already. I'm not allowed to give her any hugs or kisses in public and especially around her friends. But we have also worked out a special signal, we tap clenched fists, as our secret hug and kiss.

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I hope you're getting to see the original band, which initially was a heavy metal group called Savatage. Apparently they're so popular, they have a second bunch of musicians that play concerts this time of year. A totally groovy song is Christmas Canon Rock, with lead vocals by a chick named Jennifer Cella who's tremendous.

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Originally posted by Nolan Kienitz

TSO's music is fantastic and I'm sure their concert will be extraordinary. Enjoy the time with your daughter.

I also enjoyed Bond's music when they were touring a few years back.


I find Bond's music to be banal. But, damn, they're fun to watch.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Originally posted by sepefrio

Originally posted by Jim Katen

I don't know anything about TSO, but you're smart to jump on any chance you get to do this kind of stuff with your daughter while she still wants you to.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

LOL! I know what you mean already. I'm not allowed to give her any hugs or kisses in public and especially around her friends. But we have also worked out a special signal, we tap clenched fists, as our secret hug and kiss.

Excellent idea.

When my daugher was twelve, I had to drop her off around the corner from her school. She was embarrassed to be seen getting out of a car that had ladders on the top.

As retribution, when I went to pick her up, I tied laundry to the ladders and drove right up to the front door of the school.

She was steamed . . .

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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WOW! JUST WOW! My ears are still ringing and my daughter's face has a permanent smile on it and I'm "The worlds Greatest Dad". Could there have been a better night?

BTW it was the original, with Cris and Alex, my god those two can tear up a guitar. I think my favorite part aside from Christmas canon and Wizards of Winter was the battle of the key boards. I forget the guys name (They said he helped form the band and is the director), but him and Miss Kim rocked. The format of the story telling in the first half of the show, never seen that and it was awesome. Then the free style for the second half was awesome. They hung out and signed autographs for everyone.

I bought the trilogy and DVD as well as a Christmas ornament. My daughter wants to make it a family tradition now and every year we get a new ornament.

Did I say, WOW! just WOW yet?

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