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First visit to a real estate office - Visit Done

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Originally posted by sepefrio

All in all though, even if I get zero inspections out of it, it was worth it because I learned a lot. And the best news, they aren't the only fish in the sea.

Congratulations. It's something we've all been through, and we'll all go through it again.


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In all seriousness, I do think it's unfair to lump all agents together, just the same as it's not reasonable to lump all HI's together. Everyone is an individual, regardless of profession. Some agents ARE primarily concerned with their commission; some are genuinely concerned about their clients. Those in the latter group will be your target market...assuming you are a conscientious HI and not a toady. For the record, I see nothing in your posts indicating toady wanna-be status. Unfortunately, you can't really target only the good agents, you gotta wait for them to find you. After a short learning period, you'll be able to tell who they are. They will be the ones who don't fake a smile and ask for your card promising to "spread your name around the office" after you inspect a dump that should be firebombed. Over time, you will collect a select few "keeper" agents. The rest will just have to learn how to wince and perhaps bite their tongue when they hear that you are the inspector their client chose.

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When playing the agent's version of Russian Roulette for inspectors, changes are the gun has a bullet in almost every chamber. It is the agents that spins the chamber , points the gun and decides when to pull the trigger.

If you are mentally challenged or immoral enough to play lay dog and get the fleas of the manipulators, you get what you deserve. What is that nasty smell? If in a weak compromising moment put on some whorish lipstick, pucker up for them and then go sit in the dark corner with a dunce cap until you come to your senses.

What do you think will happen if a controlling agent hits your hand with a "show him who's boss" hammer? If you have no clue, try it. Whamo! Snap goes the mouse trap on the unfortunate one so foolish to think they can outsmart those planting the cheese and controlling the referral aspects of the dirty system.

A new agent trick: (maybe it not really new, just new to me)

The agent pretends to be someone other than the actual role they are playing. i.e. a seller's agent pretending to be a buyer's agent. Or... the agent pretends to be be buyer who is not around. In one case a builder pretended to be the buyer. In each case the poser wanted an unfair advantage.

You can not trust those devils, or anyone else who wants an unfair advantage of power / position or any form of undeserved special treatment.

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It seems that some people in this crazy old world will find justification for their positions rather than really examine them for true value and depth of character. If you lay down with dogs you eventually will get fleas. Those guilty of getting put into questionable and compromising positions will eventually get unquestionably karmically compromised. Enough said.

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