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Amateur Radio

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I just got through installing a slinky dipole in my attic. Had to put it there due to condo associations restrictions on antennas. Works OK though, made a few 40m contacts.

Don't know if you've ever seen Ham Radio Deluxe Bill but I highly recommend it. The software is amazing and the best part is it's free. It controls my Yaesu FT-450 and also offers a full digital software package for PSK31, RTTY to name a few. You can find it here http://hrd.ham-radio.ch/about/about.htm

What type of rig do you have?

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I'm not into it, but my job in the Air Force was fixing radios. I spent a year at Keesler AFB learning all about tubes. I even had a 1st class FCC license back when that was the big thing to have.[:-dunce]

I have a question for you. I am finding antennae to be as much an art form as a science. My interest is in HDTV, which is simply UHF. As you may know, the best HD signals are NOT through satelite or cable. The best signals are off-air. It's funny how we have sort of gone full-circle now - so the best reception is from those big-ass antennae on the roof we (I) grew up with.

We have two beautiful HDTVs (48" plasma and a 52" Sony Bravia). On one, we have a powered loop antenna. On the other one, we have a simple wire hanging off the back. I swear, the wire seems to work better.

Do you have any recommendations? FYI - I can't mount an antenna on the roof (Home association rules, and I don't want one). BUT I do have an attic I could use.

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My call is: KI5IO - Extra Class

I also have "what used to be known" as an FCC 1st Class license.

I worked in broadcast radio in the mid '60s. Started out as a 'jock' moved over to 'news' and then ended up with my love in 'engineering'. I was the chief engineer for a couple of stations in Texas before I went to work with The Associated Press in data communications.

I don't currently have any rigs, but keep toying with the idea of getting back on the air.

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I'm YA0YKW (advanced), became a Ham over 35 years ago. I haven't been active for a long time now, although I recently renewed my licence with the thought that I may get back on the air again at sometime in the future. Great hobby, however I suspect that computers, Internet and email will cause a further decline in the number of amateur radio operators.

Robert E Lee

GENERAL Home Inspections, Inc

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Originally posted by Robert E Lee

I'm YA0YKW (advanced), became a Ham over 35 years ago. I haven't been active for a long time now, although I recently renewed my licence with the thought that I may get back on the air again at sometime in the future. Great hobby, however I suspect that computers, Internet and email will cause a further decline in the number of amateur radio operators.

Robert E Lee

GENERAL Home Inspections, Inc

Yep, the internet has taken it's toll on radio however when the FCC dropped the Morse Code requirement there was a spike in activity.

40m is alive and well in the CW bands, tons of activity. Some of these guys/gals send at 30wpm+, just a bunch of beeps to me at that speed. I just keep rolling along at 7-9 wpm.

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I have helped many Boy Scouts obtain their amateur radio operators license (merit badge) over the years, but I have never done it for myself. My older son earned his license back in 2001 in Scouts and worked a radio for the Red Cross after Katrina on the MS Gulf Coast for about six weeks.

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