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chapter meeting

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I went to my first Maryland Chapter of NAHI meting last night. MAHI is the designation for Maryland Association of Home Inspectors.


I had a good time and met some nice people. There were about 15 members there. The ones I spoke to directly who recognized me as being new to the business were willing to offer help. They gave me their cards and told me to call if I needed help with anything.

Starting a new business has ups and downs and I have been having mine. This meeting last night was truly an upper. I joined the chapter and I am looking forward to attending the future meetings.

How many of you belong to HI organizations, either national or local, and do you attend events and meetings?

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Originally posted by AHI

I went to my first Maryland Chapter of NAHI meting last night. MAHI is the designation for Maryland Association of Home Inspectors.


I had a good time and met some nice people. There were about 15 members there. The ones I spoke to directly who recognized me as being new to the business were willing to offer help. They gave me their cards and told me to call if I needed help with anything.

Starting a new business has ups and downs and I have been having mine. This meeting last night was truly an upper. I joined the chapter and I am looking forward to attending the future meetings.

How many of you belong to HI organizations, either national or local, and do you attend events and meetings?

I will be presenting at this months NACHI Chesapeake Chapter Meeting. The presentation will be on Infrared Thermal Imaging (ITI) Services.

Come join us...Tuesday, Nov. 20th from 6-9pm. Anyone can attend and all are welcome :)



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Originally posted by AHI


The meeting location is about 15 mins away from my house. I think I might attend. Will the entire meeting be devoted to ITI? If not, what does the typical agenda cover? Are there any open discussions or things of that sort? Slide shows where you talk about problems identified in the pictures?

It is a very informal meeting. Usually the floor is open to questions relating to general home inspection topics. Recently, they have all been focused on the new licensing laws, but you can ask any question you want.

As far as my presentation, it will just be a brief discussion on the benefits of offering ITI services. I will try and put some images together and pass them out for everyone to review.

Hope to see you there...


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Originally posted by Kevin A. Richardson

I will be presenting at this months NACHI Chesapeake Chapter Meeting. The presentation will be on Infrared Thermal Imaging (ITI) Services.

Come join us...Tuesday, Nov. 20th from 6-9pm. Anyone can attend and all are welcome :)




Did you post that to the calendar of events? You can, you know. When you want to announce something, just follow the instructions for 'add an event' above and then it'll be a stand-alone post and will go out in the newsletter.



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