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Happy closing

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'Twas the night before Closing, when all through the house

not a defect was stirring, not even a mouse.

The fresh paint was drying on rotted siding outside,

and no one could guess where those termites might hide.

The children were nestled all snug in their bed,

without any detectors for smoke overhead.

And Mom in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,

had just settled down for a long winter's nap.

When out on the drive there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my bed to see some guy with a ladder?

And what to my wondering eyes what should appear,

but the buyer’s inspector with flashlight and mirror.

And the tools in his bag each had its name

and he whistled and shouted and called as they cameâ€

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OK, no more eggnog for you. It seems that it causes you to break out into poetry. [;)]

And then, in a twinkling, he was up on the roof,

then slipped into the crawlspace, with a grunt and poof!

Oh yeah...one last thing. I try to save my poofs for after I exit the crawlspace. That way I'm not trapped in there with them.

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