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Oregon continuing education

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I have zero of the required 30 continuing education units required. I have 5 months to get the credits.

I am looking to get the credits as quickly/ easily as possible, because I prefer educating myself in ways that can not be proven to satisfy state requirements.

I used to get all my credits from classes and seminars, but have not been to any for a couple of years.

I will probably just buy a self study course and pay for the credit hours to satisfy the requirements. Has anyone done this, and which courses are good ones? I would prefer to actually learn something along the way.

If anyone has any better ways, please let me know.


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It looks like about half of the approved "schools" are internal franchise courses and the rest are the ones that typically bleed HI's dry. Seems like a progressive-thinking board would be a little more diligent about approving a larger assortment of training that inspectors can take advantage of.

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by Brandon Whitmore

I have zero of the required 30 continuing education units required. I have 5 months to get the credits.

I am looking to get the credits as quickly/ easily as possible, because I prefer educating myself in ways that can not be proven to satisfy state requirements.

I used to get all my credits from classes and seminars, but have not been to any for a couple of years.

I will probably just buy a self study course and pay for the credit hours to satisfy the requirements. Has anyone done this, and which courses are good ones? I would prefer to actually learn something along the way.

If anyone has any better ways, please let me know.


You can get 20 credits all at once if you attend Inspection World in New Orleans in January. It'd be way more fun and probably more educational than any self study courses.

Visit the Oregon Association of Home Inspectors' monthly meetings for 1.5 credits a pop.

Attend the classes taught by Toby Deming and Charlie Rouse. They're starting a new 3-week class on November 12. It's worth 5 credits.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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You can get 20 credits all at once if you attend Inspection World in New Orleans in January. It'd be way more fun and probably more educational than any self study courses.

I would like to go one of these years, maybe once the inspections start to pick up more.

Visit the Oregon Association of Home Inspectors' monthly meetings for 1.5 credits a pop.

That I am going to start doing.

Attend the classes taught by Toby Deming and Charlie Rouse. They're starting a new 3-week class on November 12. It's worth 5 credits.

I just looked into that yesterday, but am heading off to TX for Thanksgiving... I'd prefer to go to the class, but would like to keep my manhood intact.

Many excuses, few CEU's

Thanks guys

It looks like I will probably purchase the 57 CEU's for $599.00 and be covered for 4 years. We should start getting CEU's for posting on this forum.-- how bout it Mike.[:-graduat

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Hi Brandon,

When you attend the next OAHI meeting (Nov. 27), be sure to introduce yourself to Lane Smith, and get on his email list for new inspectors. He'll have some good information on CEUs.

If you are an ASHI member, you can use their Smart Track online education program, it's free, it's a series of modules you can do one at a time. When you're on the ASHI site, check the online courses under the education link. Certainteed offers free course modules worth from one to two points for each module.

OREIA has seminars four times a year, I think, they just had one in late Sept., it was worth 6 credits, they are usually all day seminars on Saturdays.

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Thanks Ken,

From what I can tell courses from ASHI and Certainteed do not seem to count for state CEU credits.

I am no longer an ASHI member (not a member of anything anymore).

Thanks for all the info.

It is really too bad the state does not have alternative ways of getting CEU credits. You would think passing IRC code tests, doing self study courses from companies such as Certainteed, etc. should count (I learn much more through these methods). I quit going to many of the seminars, etc. because it seemed like I learned the same thing over and over.

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Originally posted by Brandon Whitmore

Thanks Ken,

From what I can tell courses from ASHI and Certainteed do not seem to count for state CEU credits.

I believe that ASHI, NAHI and AII have blanket endorsements from the state. (I could be wrong, check to be sure.) If I'm right, they'll accept pretty much any ASHI/NAHI/AII educational offering.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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I believe that ASHI, NAHI and AII have blanket endorsements from the state. (I could be wrong, check to be sure.) If I'm right, they'll accept pretty much any ASHI/NAHI/AII educational offering.

Jim, feelin' pretty dumb over here. I read through the home inspector continuing education update on- line several times and missed that info. It was right in front of my face the entire time-- thanks for pointing that out

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OK- I just purchased my continuing education credits for a grand total of $514.00 on sale. I am the proud owner of 60 CEU's or 4 years worth of continuing education. (yeah, I took the easy way out).

I thought you guys may get a kick out of some of the questions in the test packet.

First question on the test (drum roll please)

1) T or F-- footings are at the top of the foundation.

2)T or FTreated wood in foundations should attract termites.

3)What is a jack stud. --

I've already started to add smart alek answers in addition to actually answering the questions.

I am confused, should I waste my time actually reading through the entire manual and watch all the DVD's? I may come out of this more dumb and confused than I started-- watch out-- future posts may reflect this.

I think I will have to stick to great forums like this one, and keep reading things like the IRC, manufacturers installation instructions, etc. for my continuing education.

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Brandon, have you considered taking any of the code classes down at Chemeketa?

There's stuff you learn taking the classes that are not apparent in just reading even the code commentaries. I've taken half a dozen of the courses and found it money well spent.

Also I will put in a plug for OAHI and local ASHI chapter. Like Jim K. said you get a 1.5 points per meeting. Plus we can then both annoy Jim like a couple of yappy dogs.

Chris, Oregon

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Thanks for jumping on. I was going to track you down one of these days to find out how those classes were. I looked up the degree program on- line a while back. Do you have to travel to Salem to take the course, or are there alternatives? I haven't found that out yet.

I bought my credits, not to just bail from having to learn anything, but as a convenience factor only. I would like to take some of those classes and will look into it further. Plus, it's not like I don't have a lot of free time the way the market is going.

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It's only 20 minutes away for me but there are guys who drive hours to take that program since it's the only one offered in the State.

From Sherwood taking the back roads to Wilsonville you could hop on I5 south and be there in 40 minutes.

For Jim K. it would take nearly 2 hours. Well of course I don't know how fast Jim drives. He's an admitted stop sign runner at rail road crossings.

Chris, Oregon

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