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Hi Jerry,

It wasn't me. Maybe it was Kurt; he's in your neck of the woods.

It's slowed down a little bit here too. I got a call yesterday and booked a call to inspect a large log home with a garage and mother-in-law suite over the garage. This morning they called up and cancelled. According to the caller, as soon as she told her insurance company it was a log home, they told her that they needed to inspect it and that there was no need for her to do so.

It occurred to me that, if they are like other insurance company inspections I've seen, that it will be one of those 15 minute sit in the car and make notes type inspections, instead of the 4 - 5 hour learning experience she'd get with me. Be that as it may, I'm getting too old and crusty to try and explain to people why getting something 'free' isn't always the best thing anymore.

If she calls me in a panic to re-schedule after she realizes it might have been a mistake, she might not have enough time left for me to get in there, in which case she'll have gotten what she paid for.



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Mr Simon,

It was me, Laura Pouchinelli, that requested your service.

I do trust we will get along and you will find the house to be in fine condition and repair.

I expect to conpensate you with a check from my closest friend, John G. He may have mis-understood the correct amount, so if you could take care of that detail onsite I would appreciate it.

I have been talking with my friends at the service station and they have suggested I have you sign a pre-inspection agreement that would allow me some legal recourse

(sue you) if you omit or make any mistake.

I have prepared a fourteen page list of questions about the house that I will share with you after the inspection is complete and I have a signed report from you. Could you send a copy of the report to lvanals@aol.com for his review and also a copy to Louie down at the Shell Station. I do so hope you correctly identify any and all defects and list the cost to remedy/repair along with contractor recommendations.

Are there any senior citizens discounts offered?

Mrs Pouchenilli [-crzwom]

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Mrs Pouchenilli,

Remember me? I sent you the invoice with the both, the AARP & AAA discounts to your P.O. Box in Rancho Cucamonga. However until this day, I still have not received payment. Please make a payment soon, so I could book a stop on the HI Traveling Road Show.

Thank you kindly,


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Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Bob,

I don't get it; why not just do the inspections and rely on the physical evidence, your moisture meter, and your senses to figure out what's going on?



You know, you're completely right, but I was just thinking about the report part.

Much as I hate to say it, the impressive report is going to be the infrared pic report, not the Protimeter photo w/finger pointing pic report. Infrared is just too much cool technology.

Folks like cool looking reports w/pictures. Moisture problem inspection reports are going to migrate naturally to infrared. We all have to buy one sooner more than later, dammit.

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There must be some conspiracy going on. I spent the last week and half painting and working on the house as there were no calls coming in (my termite guy even called to see if I was still alive). Then, out of nowhere, I get three calls yesterday and two today. Go figure, I am getting ready to go to NY and CT to visit family and all of a sudden I get busy. Murphy's law at its best.

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Originally posted by JesseWBryant


There must be some conspiracy going on. I spent the last week and half painting and working on the house as there were no calls coming in (my termite guy even called to see if I was still alive). Then, out of nowhere, I get three calls yesterday and two today. Go figure, I am getting ready to go to NY and CT to visit family and all of a sudden I get busy. Murphy's law at its best.


I was painting, too. Booked three yesterday, and ran out last minute and did one 5:00 yesterday from a 2:00 call. Truly a goofy time in this biz.

I still think Goodman is in on this somehow.

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Things are pretty bad on the Southside, too. If I were a turtle, the Slowesky's would be my rowdy cousins. I will say that I have done 3 foreclosures in the last 3 weeks and another 2 foreclosure appointments cancelled on me for unknown reasons. None of them have gas, water or electric. I have told my clients that such purchases have risks. maybe I am talking myself out of work. Whatever.

Jeez. What's with painting? I've been painting, too. I used to do it for a living and I hate it.

Any of you busy Northside boys who don't want the dirty Southside stuff, give out my number: 1-800-573-1113. I go out to Manhatten, Mokena, Joliet and, of course, the Chicago's South and Southeast areas. I even go to the (ugh!) Westside.

Even folks paying $120,000 for a new home appreciate a good inspection. Maybe more so.

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As much as I'd like to run Mike's cartoons, I'm afraid that there's no budget for it. Remember, TIJ is a free resource. Now, if you could convince that association of yours to buy some ad space, I might be able to swing it.



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Things are usually slow for a new guy and I am a new guy so you can bet my phone is not ringing. Several months, several thousand dollars and several hundred hours of time I have spent ramping up to do business.

I got pretty pumped up with all of this but now I feel kind of deflated. I never depended on income from inspections so I am not missing what I never had. For those who support their families on this it must be getting edgy.

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Must be a regional thing. My longtime co-inspector (who now does all the HI work for the company) is plenty busy.

And, oddly, here in assbackwards Nashville, sales of average-Joe houses are slow. Big expensive houses are selling very well. Reeltors who work the high end are cleaning up.

Them that's got shall get, them that's not shall lose. I guess...


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Originally posted by AHI

I got pretty pumped up with all of this but now I feel kind of deflated. I never depended on income from inspections so I am not missing what I never had. For those who support their families on this it must be getting edgy.

Well, if you're going to be in this business, you'd better get used to it, because every year, somewhere around mid-August it begins to slow down and by the holidays the business situation can be downright scary some years. During the winter months, I always stop by G.I. Joe's about once a month to keep my eye on the price of tents and camp stoves and such and I scout around for a clear spot under one of the overpasses. The way this business is, one never knows when you might find shortly yourself camped out under an overpass. [:-eyebrow



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Originally posted by hausdok


Come to think of it, about 90% of the houses that I've done over the last couple of months as things began to slow have been in the $600K+ range. Walter may be onto something there.

OT - OF!!!


People with cubic money can always buy something. Their idea of belt tightening is to buy something for $800k instead of 1.2 mil. It's the working joe who sits tight and does nothing.

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Originally posted by AHI in AR

People with cubic money can always buy something. Their idea of belt tightening is to buy something for $800k instead of 1.2 mil. It's the working joe who sits tight and does nothing.

I nominate Kevin Barre for a TIJ prize for coining the term "cubic money."

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Sounds like a regional thing.

Here is wonderful Mid-Michigan this is the worst year, by far, in twenty years. Several established inspectors have taken other jobs and dozens of wanna-be people are history.

Local board of Realtors has a 35%+ decrease in membership.

My company is way down in volume and slightly down in profits. We have one inspector that works another job now and the outlook is not good for several months.

Michigan lead the nation in un-employment, taxes and move outs.

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That's real flattering, Jim, but I can't take credit for it. I don't know who first came up with the term, but I clearly remember hearing it the first time from a cousin of mine several years ago. Such a descriptive term.

Want to see what cubic money looks like? Go here:http://www.snopes.com/photos/crime/drugmoney.asp#photo2

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