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Originally posted by Phillip

At least three coaches are out of a job

Yep, and for the third time in two years an SEC coach gets fired right after losing to Mississippi State (Zook at Florida, Shula at Bama, and now Ogeron(sp?) at Ole Miss). As a result, the term "Croomed" has become part of the Southern college football language, referring to a coach who gets fired after a bad loss (Sylvester Croom is the MS State head coach).

Brian G.

Will Some Poor Coach Get Croomed in a Bowl Game? [;)]

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Pitt should be very, very proud!!!

They earned a solid win over WVU in spite of the pathetic officiating. (That makes 13 times this season.)

Consecutive weekends with #1 and #2 getting wupped? Wow.

Congrats to the Sooners. And Oregon St.

So now what, Ohio St. Versus [LSU, Hawaii, AZ St, ???]

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My prediction...

Ohio State Vs LSU in the championship game. They can't both lose but, after 27 overtimes still tied 0 - 0, the game is declared null and void. Notre Dame, at 3 and whatever, is crowned national champion out of sheer frustration at the system. Two dozen BCS officials commit a mass ritual suicide the next day...all wearing brand new Nikes.

What a whacky season!!!

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Ohio State is a lock. No team has ever benefited more by not playing.

The thinking is that Georgia won't simply move up to #2 because they didn't even win their side of the SEC, much less the overall conference championship; strange how being next doesn't really mean you're next. That being the case, you also can't take Kansas for the same reasons on a much weaker schedule. That brings us to Virginia Tech, but they have the same record as LSU, who crushed VT head-to-head earlier in the year. All of which brings us down to LSU or USC, who have identical records, both won their strong conferences, and have not played each other. LSU is one notch higher in the polls, and both of their losses were in multiple-overtime games...it's LSU. Who'd a thunk Ohio State & LSU would get back to that game after the late-season losses they both suffered? Amazing.

Mizzou, bless 'em, just got out-played by Oklahoma; offense and defense. West Virginia's loss to Pitt is inexplicable, especially in light of the horrible officiating that generally favored WV. Hawaii, at home, barely beat a young Washington team with a red-shirt freshman QB, and were only 4 yards from having to go to overtime when a freak interception spared them the uncertainty.

I look forward to finding out what the various match-ups will be.

Brian G.

Santa, Bring Me a College Playoff System [:-weepn]

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I don't know how many of you saw the Pitt game (I know Brian did), but as I wrote earlier, the officiating was pathetic.

Given the testosterone-producing quality of football, was anyone else genuinely pissed-off at the very weak holding calls against Pitt and the clear, yet missed/ignored, holding calls that could have been called on Mizzou? And was this the first time you have ever seen the penalty, "Leaping and landing on another player?"

Somebody was paying somebody.

How do you say fumble in Hawaiian???

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Originally posted by ozofprev

And was this the first time you have ever seen the penalty, "Leaping and landing on another player?"

I saw it once before, a couple of years or so ago. It was a late-night game between two small West Coast schools...can't remember who. Very rare.

So it is indeed Ohio State vs. LSU. That's a tall hill for Ohio State to climb. Melt down heat-treated LSU in their own back yard, for all the marbles. I'm sure it will surprize no one when I say LSU should win, but I'm far more certain that the Buckeyes will not wander in semi-prepared and rusty, as they did against Florida last year. I daresay the bitter taste of that embarrassment is still on the lips of everyone involved in the football program there.

Mississippi State plays Central Florida in the Liberty Bowl, in Memphis. I don't know much about CFU (yet), but they didn't get there by stinking it up this year. I'm relieved the Dogs weren't thrown in over their heads to be a whipping boy for some higher-flyer, as sometimes happens. Go Dawgs!

Possibly the most interesting of the BCS match-ups is Georgia vs. Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl. Assuming Georgia plays more or less the way they have been (pretty damn well, thank you), Hawaii would be able to prove something by beating them. Is this Hawaii team as over-blown as the previous ones, or have they really improved? It's similar to the Oklahoma-Boise State game of last year...will the game be anything like that entertaining? I hope so.

Brian G.

Bring On Bowl Week [:-party]

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Brian, that's better than most professional sports articles I read. But I think it is LSU that needs to prove itself. Sure, they're great but with several very close games they have not dominated. Based on this year, I can't predict squat but I would like to see someone have a good sports year - so I'll root for your Tigers and your Dawgs.

Has anyone considered report-writing using a sports theme?

The bathroom tiles fought hard, but they were no match for the relentless soap scum. A poor grouting job prevented them from playing like the team they could have been.

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" And was this the first time you have ever seen the penalty, "Leaping and landing on another player?"


If I recall correctly, that was the call on the extra point when AU beat LSU in '04. On the first (missed) attempt, the LSU player was called for leaping and landing on the snapper. We made the second and went on to a 12-0 year.




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That was the first time that I recall hearing that call. Bad rule.

LSU should make the Buckeyes think that it is still last year. OSU is the best team in Ohio - maybe.

Hawaii is entertaining to say the least. I've stayed up late just to see Brennan a couple of times. He is good. They could send the dogs home with their tails between their legs. Most pass defenses are exhausted after the first half.

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You are correct, sir!!!!

It took me a while to research, but here is an excerpt from a 2004id="maroon"> article I found:

Rule 9-1-2-Q That's the rule cited by Southeastern Conference referee Steve Landis and his crew during Saturday's LSU-Auburn game. The enforcement of the penalty gave Auburn a second chance to kick a game-winning extra point. LSU coach Nick Saban is a member of the NCAA Football Rules Committee that installed the rule this year [2004]. The rule says a defensive player trying to block a kick by jumping forward can't land on an ...

I sit corrected and slightly embarrassed.[:I] Thank you!

War Eagle!!!

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Originally posted by Richard Stanley

If I were an offensive linesman, I would remind the line judge of that rule just before any attempted field goal or extra point kick.

Once you are airborne, it's tough to change direction. A good offensive lineman might just want to jump under an opponent before they fall. Then, their team could accept or decline the penalty based on the kick.[:-crazy]

(I think I have it straight now)[:-paperba

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Originally posted by ozofprev

Has anyone considered report-writing using a sports theme?

The bathroom tiles fought hard, but they were no match for the relentless soap scum. A poor grouting job prevented them from playing like the team they could have been.

This has legs; finally, something to make home inspection reports interesting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well boys and girls, Bowl Week is here at last. I love it, but this year I'll be spending most of it at the In-laws. Thus, I will be internetless and unable to commune with my football-loving TIJ brethern. I'll make my picks now. I'm not going to try doing all 32, just the ones I give a rat about. I'll qualify this whole post by admitting up front that no one knows what the hell will happen this year.

Liberty Bowl * UCF vs. MS State

Three wild guesses; the first two don't count. One ESPN genius is picking this as an upset, with UCF winning. I would like to thank him from the bottom of my heart...really. I have to wonder though, if he bothered to check the strength of schedule rankings at the end of the season. Of 119 teams, CFU's schedule ranked 117th; MS State came in at 15th.

Independence Bowl * Alabama vs. Colorodo

I haven't seen Colorodo play, at all. Bama finished weak, but may do better with the recovery time. Bama needs a good QB, badly, but if it's a toss-up I gotta root for my SEC boys. Take Bama & Nick Saban.

Music City Bowl * Kentucky vs. Florida State

Kentucky has a good team, the tough schedule just ground them down late in the year. FSU looked weak late too. Push there, but with 20-something players being suspended for cheating on tests I have to think FSU won't be in top form. Kentucky wins.

Chick-fil-A Bowl * Clemson vs. Auburn

Auburn is a tough, hard-nosed, physical team. Clemson is not. Auburn, probably going away late.

Outback Bowl * Tennessee vs. Wisconsin

This may be close, but I'm not sure the Big 10 will win any bowl games this year. Penn State and Purdue have the best shots, just based on match-ups. Tennessee.

Cotton Bowl * Missouri vs. Arkansas

By now some of you are probably thinking I'm just gonna take the SEC teams across the board. To pull for, yes; picked to win, no. With apologies to my Razorback friends, I think this is a bad match-up for Arkansas. If they can keep Mizzou from getting 2 or 3 scores in front, they may have a chance to pull it out late. I hope so, but I doubt it. Mizzou.

Capital One Bowl * Michigan vs. Florida

I see this as a potential blowout. Florida didn't have their best year, but they're too damn fast, versatile, and well-coached for Michigan. Florida, easy.

Rose Bowl * Illinois vs. USC

How in the world did Illinois get stuck with this game? I like the Illini, I'll be rooting for the Illini, but I can't pick the Illini to win this game. Maybe in a few more years. USC.

Sugar Bowl * Hawaii vs. Georgia

I don't buy Hawaii. Out of 119 teams, thier schedule ranked 119th. 119th. Dead last. Georgia should beat them into submission by the end of the 3rd quarter. Colt Brennen will see the Dawg defense in his nightmares after that game.

Fiesta Bowl * West Virgina vs. Oklahoma

I honestly don't think WVU could have handled OK anyway, but the coach bailing out can only hurt. Oklahoma, no problem.

Orange Bowl * Kansas vs. Virginia Tech

Mizzou exposed Kansas. I'll take Virginia Tech in this one; close.

BCS Championship * LSU vs. Ohio State

My gut says this will be as bad as last year for OSU, but my head says not. OSU came in poorly prepared last year, which has to fall on the heads of the coaching staff. Surely they're burning to make up for that disaster, right? Right, but they'll still be up against better athletes who played tougher opponents all year. I can't convince myself the Buckeyes have one, single advantage in this game; players, coaches, desire, location, offense, defense, special teams, etc.

LSU wins it all.

If you beg to differ, please do. It's only sports, not life and death.

Merry Christmas to everyone, ya bums. [;)]

Brian G.

The GP Has Spoken [^]

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Well, it was butt-ugly but my Bulldawgs won and kept the UCF running back from unfairly usurping Barry Sanders' single season rushing record (Barry did it in less games and against far better competetion). Our freshman QB looked like just that, but the D held up well. We made one good drive, right when we needed it, and pulled it out.

Bully Bully!!! 1-0 for the SEC.

Both Purdue and Penn State won (as mentioned), staking the Big 10 to a 2-0 start. From here it gets rougher, fast.

The Pac-10 is 1-2....? What the heck?

Brian G.

Eating It Up [:P]

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Let me tell you first hand that the Liberty Bowl was an ugly game. If it had not been for the Dawgs defense, I don't think that we would have seen any scores. The defense was strong and made the turnovers happen, it's just that the Dawgs offense could not do anything with those turnovers!

The temps hovered in the low 40's at the start and dropped to the 30's by the end of the game. We were right in the middle of Cow Bell Alley and my hearing is slowly returning this morning!

Now if the Titian's can only get a win over the Colts!

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The parade of ugly wins continues.

Bama took off like a house on fire. For a while I thought they would run the Buffalos out of the stadium, but nay, the game turned 180 degrees and stayed that way until the middle of the 4th quarter. Like MS State, Bama came up with what they needed when they needed it. They still need a good QB for next year; Parker ain't the guy.

Kentucky tried over and over to give the game to Florida State, but they wouldn't take it. A very late interception should have sealed the deal for the Wildcats, but the excited kid ran it back instead of safely getting down, and fumbled. The Seminoles were able to get a Hail Mary into the end zone on the last play, but Mary wasn't there to catch it. Whew!

And in the most inexplicable move of the bowl season, Auburn, a pretty darn good team as it was, chose to try installing a whole new offense between December 12th and 31st. Why? They got a new coordinator. It's a minor miracle they got away with it, but they needed OT to do it.

Note to future bowl coaches who might think of trying this: Miracles are very rare.

How about Cal bouncing back from down 21 - 0 in the first quarter to beat Air Force convincingly? No big lead is safe this year.

Tomorrow is easily the best day of the bowl week; 7 big games, from noon till late, with 5 having an SEC team. I'll be glued to my easy chair, channel hopping like crazy. Bring it on!

Brian G.

Am I in Heaven, Or Is It Just Bowl Week [:-party]

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Originally posted by Brian G

The parade of ugly wins continues.

Bama took off like a house on fire. For a while I thought they would run the Buffalos out of the stadium, but nay, the game turned 180 degrees and stayed that way until the middle of the 4th quarter. Like MS State, Bama came up with what they needed when they needed it. They still need a good QB for next year; Parker ain't the guy.

Kentucky tried over and over to give the game to Florida State, but they wouldn't take it. A very late interception should have sealed the deal for the Wildcats, but the excited kid ran it back instead of safely getting down, and fumbled. The Seminoles were able to get a Hail Mary into the end zone on the last play, but Mary wasn't there to catch it. Whew!

And in the most inexplicable move of the bowl season, Auburn, a pretty darn good team as it was, chose to try installing a whole new offense between December 12th and 31st. Why? They got a new coordinator. It's a minor miracle they got away with it, but they needed OT to do it.

Note to future bowl coaches who might think of trying this: Miracles are very rare.

How about Cal bouncing back from down 21 - 0 in the first quarter to beat Air Force convincingly? No big lead is safe this year.

Tomorrow is easily the best day of the bowl week; 7 big games, from noon till late, with 5 having an SEC team. I'll be glued to my easy chair, channel hopping like crazy. Bring it on!

Brian G.

Am I in Heaven, Or Is It Just Bowl Week [:-party]

I will take the parade of ugly wins as long as the SEC wins continues.

It would be nice to see every SEC team win. The odds are against it since the SEC has so many teams playing. I can hope it happens.

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Yes Brian, the Auburn game was indeed interesting. Given the continual decline over the past several years of Auburn's offense, I do hand it to Tubberville for his decision to change the offensive plan.

My wife thought it was cute - the way the offense synchronized their heads to look at the sidelines like a clutch of chicks looking to their mom.

I see reason to believe Auburn will only be better next year.

War Eagle!

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My condolences to Kevin and the Razorback faithful. The coaching change, the unfavorable match-up, and yes, the QB disparity...a loss was in the cards.

A big tip of the cap to Michigan, who played by far their best game of the year in Lloyd Carr's final bowl (LSU, were you watching?). Florida scored 35, which should have won the game, but the Gator D gave up even more. This game was won at the line; Tebow was pressured and hassled, the other QB was not (much). I'm sure that won't be lost on Coach Meyer. Florida's chippiness and trash-talking, both before and during the game, did not endear them to me. Clean it up Coach.

The Rose Bowl wasn't much of a game, as expected. This is one of the things wrong with the stinking bowl system. If the fans, the sports media, and the odds makers all know this is a bad match-up, why doesn't the BCS know it? Georgia should have taken on USC, sending Illinois to play Hawaii.

Colt Brennen will see the Dawg defense in his nightmares after that game.

And I'll bet he will. They knocked that poor kid around the whole game, until the coach wisely pulled him. If Hawaii is 12 - 0 next year, I hope the BCS will remember this game.

Tomorrow night: West Virginia vs. Oklahoma. Prepare to hear about the WV coach defecting to Michigan, endlessly and in nauseating detail.

Brian G.

Waiting For the Big One [:-jump2]

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Georgia played really well --- I would have liked to see them play a known quantity though . . .

As one of the talking heads on ESPN said this morning (or last night) --- All the bowl teams whose coaches defected lost because the 'left behind' assistants knew they were out of a job after the bowl game. They were conflicted between coaching and job searching. The talking head mentioned something about 'focus.'

Poor Arkansas -- losing their head coach, and knowing he was being replaced with a gold digger.

I hope WVU fares better than the other coachless teams, but even if their coaching staff had continuity, I don't think they'd have a shot against Oklahoma.

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