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College Football - WOW!

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What a weekend!!!

What will the polls do now???

I was sad to seeAuburn struggle to beat Kansas State a few weeks back, but then Kansas State beats the Longhorns (41-21!!!) this weekend.

And AUBURN outplayed the #4 Gators last night to beat them at Florida!

What an amazing game it was!!!

War Eagle!

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Illinois beat Penn State. Too bad nobody could watch the game due to the new Big Ten Network.

People are starting to talk about Illinois giving Wisconsin a run for the money next week. At least that game will be on ESPN.

Notre Dame is looking for a QB. (How about Rex Grossman?)

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Upset weekend comes every year at some point; this was it, in spades. Even the mighty struggled. LSU eventually won big over Tulane, but that was a close game at the half. USC had more trouble than that retiring Washington, who just wouldn't die quietly.

How bad is game coverage getting when the announcers interview a distant coach by phone as if there were no game being played at all, while on the field the trailing team strings together a second-half drive? That happened for a good five minutes or more during the Florida-Auburn game. What's wrong with these idiots?

Years ago I actually liked Notre Dame. They played tough schedules and usually did well. They had high academic standards and didn't sign thugs. I respected all that. Then they signed that infamous deal with NBC, to air ALL of Notre Dame's games. No one college team should literally have its own national broadcast network. For years now they've been consistently overrated in the pre-season polls, and they get murdered in bowl games by everybody. Personally, I wish the press would shut up about them until they're worth talking about.

Brian G.

The New Top Ten....Who Knows? [?]

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Originally posted by Brian G


How bad is game coverage getting when the announcers interview a distant coach by phone as if there were no game being played at all, while on the field the trailing team strings together a second-half drive? That happened for a good five minutes or more during the Florida-Auburn game. What's wrong with these idiots?

Yes!!! I thought it was just me. That was pathetic. Thanks for the sanity check, Brian.


Years ago I actually liked Notre Dame. They played tough schedules and usually did well. They had high academic standards and didn't sign thugs. I respected all that. Then they signed that infamous deal with NBC, to air ALL of Notre Dame's games. No one college team should literally have its own national broadcast network. For years now they've been consistently overrated in the pre-season polls, and they get murdered in bowl games by everybody. Personally, I wish the press would shut up about them until they're worth talking about.

I didn't know about the NBC deal, but it was obvious something was happening to a class act. So, that's the rest of the story.


The New Top Ten....Who Knows? [?]

I'm surprised at how little it really changed. Of course I'm hurt that Auburn is still unranked.

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Auburn better get Bama while they can. Saban is already turning that ship around, with only what's left on-hand. I hate to say it, but Bama's future looks bright if that guy stays.

And LSU will indeed win the SEC, then go on to beat USC for the crown.

Brian G.

The SEC; Home of the Jillion Dollar Football Coaches [:-tophat]

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Do Bama fans even cheer for the team anymore or just Saben? It is the weirdest thing I've ever seen, when listening to sports talk radio or in talking to the fans around here you never hear anything about the team or its players, just Saban, Saben, Saben.

BTW Tommy Tubervilles record is 3-2 against Saben, We are just terrified Whewwwwww.

We have a term for these new Saben fans "Nick Suckers"

War Damn Eagle


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Yes the BAMA fans cheers for the team and also they cheer for Saben. Since Saben is new here there is going to more talk about him and the changes he is making.

It is just like someone from a cow collage called auburn to start name calling. [;)][:-dev3][:D]


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If you ask me, Saban and Tuberville should be good buddys. They have an awful lot in common.

"I'm not talking to that other team."

"I'm happy here and I plan to stay here."

"The reports that I'm leaving aren't true."



I saw Illinois take down Wisconsin...good game. I'm not sold on Ohio State yet, but we're getting into the meat of the season now, so we'll know more soon.

The Stanford upset was unreal. I wish I could have watched it, but no one was carrying it here. A hearty congradulations to Cardinal fan Douglas Hansen, even if it wasn't basketball.

The Florida-LSU game was great, what we call a "slobber-knocker" down here. Florida did everything they could to beat LSU, but it wasn't quite enough. If there's a re-match in the SEC championship game, it'll be epic.

I hope South Florida gets a big bowl game. That's a gritty bunch.

I don't see a single dominate team out there this year...nobody. It's fantastic. I still like LSU and USC for the big one, but you sure can't count on it.

Brian G.

Loving It While It Lasts [:-love]

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It's an absolute crap-shoot at this point, as to who will be on top at the end of the year. The big game could be any two teams you care to name. I still like LSU, but they've show the wear of the brutal SEC gauntlet already this year. They could easily lose another one between here and there.

Somebody please hurry up and knock-off Ohio State. If they're the best team in the country I'm a flying camel. I'm not buying Boston College either, until they play some ranked teams (plural) and win. I think there are 10 teams in the poll that could beat either one of those pretenders.

On the upside, this season will be another great arguement for a PLAYOFF SYSTEM. How can a computer and a poll possibly sort the best team out of this tangle?

Brian G.

BCS = Bogus Championship Sham

BCS = Big Cash Stays (where it is)

BCS = Bad College System

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I can't let this week slide by without praising my beloved Bulldawgs for soundly trouncing Kentucky (at Kentucky; homecoming, no less). That's two ranked teams this year, and five wins overall. One more and we'll see a bowl game this post-season.

The SEC is a brutal, relentless meat grinder this year.

Brian G.

Go Dawgs! [:-dog]

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