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New Standards.....Who will pay to have it done?

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OK, ASTM is behind us for now, but many are still wanting a uniform inspection standard. We have a few hurdles to clear first!

1. Who would pay to have it developed?

2. Would it cost inspectors to use it, or would it be free?

3. It would need to be done by a third party and not one of the membership organizations.

4. Licensed states will not pay for them, and I can't see them forcing licensees to use them if they have to pay for them.

Based on what I know about test developement and getting subject matter experts together from across the country and then employing professional writers I would estimate the initial cost would be in the around $80,000 to $120,000.

This would be money spent with no return or profit.

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Originally posted by jhagarty


The Opportunity was Presented and was resoundingly Defeated.

National Associations fear that a National Standard (benefiting the Consumer) may dilute their own efforts to further their own Branding and Agendas.

If a national initiative ever takes place in the future, it will most likely proceed as an initiative driven by the Consumer, Business and Government Organizations with a more Focused concern for the Real Estate Community / Consumer than the demonstrated self serving interests of the individuals calling themselves Professional Home Inspection Associations.


That is possible, but I also know that many were of the opinion that ASTM would charge for every standard that was used. ASTM would require you to join for $70 and then charge each time their standards were printed to be included with a report.

I don't know if we will ever have an answer to this issue. I do have a real sneaky suspicion that ICC might be looking into this venue as well. It would not take much to shift the codes into some workable standards. Then we would have the issue of the states or municipality's that do not recognize the ICC!

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