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Split face block


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I'm in a growth industry in Chicago where we're trying to figure out how to fix these things. Honest, I've got 6 calls this week alone. After the Channel 7 thing, folks now call me, Hier, or Decker.

Siding can work, but there's a lot of stuff most folks won't go for. Sometimes access is nonexistent. Other times folks just don't want siding.

Everyone's looking for the silver bullet. There isn't one. This is a full scale disaster that's going to keep getting worse.

So, don't think you're going to pick up a short sale bargain and buff it up into coolness. It'll remain a soaker until you drop about $50,000 into it, and even then, no guarantee it isn't going to leak somewhere else.

These things are seriously fooked up.

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Amazing numbers of these things were tossed up. Single wythe block, no idea of what flashing means, furring slammed onto the interior face, 1 1/2" yellow insulation bet. furring, vapor retarder (invariably visqueen), drywall.

Sometimes you can see the bleed through on the drywall.

I've opened up coping and found cores running water. Top cord bearing truss on wet block, punk tree farm wood. No bargains on split face block.

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