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ASTM Organizational Meeting Failed to Unite

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Originally posted by SonOfSwamp

Originally posted by AHI in AR

Originally posted by ozofprev

My guess is that most guys who need entry level courses would not voluntarily sign up for them so as to avoid looking like newbies in front of their peers.

You kidding? If I have to get any CE (and I will now that we're licensed, dammit), if I don't get a class featuring Drenan, Hansen or Cramer, I'll sleep through the dumbdest-down courses I can find. If I'm going to be tortured, I want torture Lite.


I've heard all three of those guys and they are all good. But if you make the mistake of falling asleep in Drennan's class, be sure you don't compound it by leaving your cell phone on and disturbing the class. You'll be buying him beers afterward if you do...

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I believe this thread has reached the point where we have saturated our discussion to the point of redundancy in many of the posts. We have basically covered everything except for the actual Standards of Practice themselves. Sort of a lap dance if you know what I mean. We could keep talking around the standards, CE’s, etc… until we bring this thread above 10,000 views easily.

My next proposal for discussion is to take action in a private forum on this message board if Mike is willing to do so. The purpose of the private form would be to take two or three of the long-standing national standards from the various associations, post them as a sticky and start having at it. Why the hell don't we just take them and rip them a new one. Yes, a single standard that has meat and bones with changes to the items bearing vagueness and then some. I, too, do not accept “representative samplingâ€

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I have a copy of the report; let's just say it isn't worth the paper it's written on. I looked it over and no, he didn't meet the standards (ASHI & NJ) he says he follows.

But hey, if anyone can inspect a 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath townhouse in 30 minutes or for that matter 90 minutes, they're a better person than me or probably anyone else on this board.



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Do you really think knowing who I am would really change things? Would knowing my real name truly give you a sense of 'knowing me'? Do I know who you are just because you have identified yourself as ghentjr?

The sincere reason for my 'handle' is my absolute disregard for becoming internet diarhhea. I've had negative experiences of the past (unrelated to being a Home Inspector) which haunted me while using my true name and choose not to be a 'search' item anymore.

Let's stay on topic!

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Just to accommodate your inquiry, I am a Home Inspector of approximately 18 years, initially part-time and long full time status. I would like to think my background/history to be extensive but I'll spare the boasting of credentials.

I am not one to look for glory here but I am a player in stakes.

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It seems to me that remaining mysterious kind of perpetuates the idea of the internet diarrhea of which you speak.

The reason this issue might get legs is because real people with real credentials with real experience with real personalities will make it so.

Otherwise, its just another anonymous internet blog--a bunch of unknown personas puking over the web. Who's really gonna pay attention?

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Unless it's a different Justin, I'm aware of who he is. He's a good guy.

However, there is no legitimacy to be gained by folks hiding behind pseudonyms. You can't become internet diarrhea if you're careful about what you say and to whom you say it.

Justin, I'm aware that you were dragged around verbally, so was I. I have a slight advantage, they changed my name to "guest".

The reasoning folk here aren't going to play with a guy wearing a mask.

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Originally posted by randynavarro


It seems to me that remaining mysterious kind of perpetuates the idea of the internet diarrhea of which you speak.

The reason this issue might get legs is because real people with real credentials with real experience with real personalities will make it so.

Otherwise, its just another anonymous internet blog--a bunch of unknown personas puking over the web. Who's really gonna pay attention?

That's pretty much my take.

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I'm not a 'pot-stirrer' but merely hold strong beliefs to expose those who I believe denegrate the profession in which I chose to support my livelihood and I feel it is my duty to inform those who have sights to enter this 'occupation'.

My hope is to assist those who have a substantive background

choose the right path to success. One of the most novel posts was the one Chad offered early on about his making the right choice.

With this, I'm ending all discussion about my alias. I've posted a challenge which bears greater importance instead of this nonsense going in a negative direction.

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Originally posted by Justin Tyme

I've posted a challenge which bears greater importance instead of this nonsense going in a negative direction.

Well, its been posted before.

Read some of Mike O's stuff.

You're not thinking you're starting something original here are


If you don't want to disclose your ID, that's cool.

I'm a willing participant but I can't have real discourse with someone who plays your game.

Now Les, on the other hand. . . I'll discourse with him any day of the week, (but only if his wife says it ok).

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The last four or five posts are exactly the challenge that raising the standards will yield.

There will be personality clashes, clashes because some will get recognition, clashes because some will profit and clashes because some will be forced out of business.

My ego is so big I need a wheelbarrow to haul it around. I used to need a truck but then I got married.

So, egos will need to be checked at the door. Reason must prevail.

Leave individualism out.

As Randy said: Justin, Mike O'Handley has had this dream and has been working toward an end for a long time. Shed the mask (would a hero like Zorro or Batman have worn a mask?) and maybe you'll be invited to join the discussion already in progress

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It appears the masks are worn by those who engage in perpetual talk. When a call for action faces them, the M.O. is to bob and weave. Let's

just place an 'X' in the box - I'm not surprised. You my friend are a true achiever. Keep your head high

Like Mike O., I gave it a shot.

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Originally posted by Justin Tyme

Like Mike O., I gave it a shot.

Well, not exactly! You can't say PretendName did things like RealName - actually, you can say it, but it's false.

I personally don't give a crap who you are. If Chad says you're a good guy, then that stands for me. BUT, if a private forum is put together for people to start writing a draft, then your real name should be expected by that group. It would suck if your little dance kept everyone from seeing the purpose of this party.

The real, the genuine, the truthful...

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I am kinda old fashioned in many ways.

If Chad says you are OK - then you are for me. That just means you are OK, not someone to waste my time on. A private e/m to me would have shown some good sense and would have been welcomed.

I am the most private person you will ever meet. Even in the age of the web, I have managed to stay pretty obscure. Sure there are bunches of stuff out there about "me", but most is not correct. In sixty odd years I have yet to have a car payment, credit card, etc. I understand the privacy issue very well. I also understand the inspection business very well.

I don't waste my time with spooks or get into a pissin' match with a snake.

I think it was Chad that said "OK I'm done now!"

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Originally posted by Justin Tyme

It appears the masks are worn by those who engage in perpetual talk. When a call for action faces them, the M.O. is to bob and weave.

What action are you taking?

I think real action takes a large commitment of time and money; neither of which most of us have, or are willing to give up.

It seems you think action is taking random pokes on some internet forum.

I would get on the National Standard or some kind of New Inspection Profession Paradigm bandwagon in a heart beat.

I'm a good soldier worker; someone just tell me what to do and I'll get 'er done.

I just don't have the excess time or resources to commit to jumping in with both feet. There I've said it.

. . . just telling the truth.

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Originally posted by Les


I am kinda old fashioned in many ways.

If Chad says you are OK - then you are for me. That just means you are OK, not someone to waste my time on. A private e/m to me would have shown some good sense and would have been welcomed.

I am the most private person you will ever meet. Even in the age of the web, I have managed to stay pretty obscure.

Les, buddy, your name gets 23,000+ hits on Google. Mine gets 64,000+.

Privacy, such as it is, is shot to hell.

Brother Justin, I think, needs to get a grip. In the last 10 years, even though thousands of HIs and hundreds of reeltors hate me, and I've left literally millions of media "impressions," all it gets me is, "are you that guy..?"

To which I faithfully answer, "No. Who? No."

Last stranger to contact me via the Internet: A 25-year-old woman who works for Disney World, wanting to know if I could look at some photos of spiders she caught, and tell her if they're brown recluses. (They were not.)


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Originally posted by Chad Fabry

Les, buddy, your name gets 23,000+ hits on Google. Mine gets 64,000+.

Not really.

Entering Chad Fabry brings out pretty much every reference containing either Chad or Fabry or both.

entering "Chad Fabry" in quotes yields more accurate results.

Gasp! I went down to 3340! Les went to six. Way to go, Les!

Brother Chad scores a whoppin' 6640! Which means somebody's buying a Lamborghini with his credit card right now.


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One has to wonder a little about anyone involved in this gig that thinks there's something so extra special to keep private.

It's not likely anyone that crawls around in ratshit for a living is going to have their exclusive veil of anonymity collapse into shards around their ankles by coming out of the closet on an HI internet forum.

Just about the time one comes to the conclusion things can't get any sillier, along comes something to disabuse one of the notion......

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