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I see you have a link to Consumer Reports magazine on your website. On your site you state that "Consumer Reports recommends NACHI Inspectors".

I checked the link and the small blurb printed in Consumer Reports and it has a link to NACHI. I don't think this is a recommendation.

Isn't this a bit mis-leading to the consumer?

****Portions of this post contained inappropriate content and were deleted by the moderator****

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Originally posted by randynavarro


I see you have a link to Consumer Reports magazine on your website. On your site you state that "Consumer Reports recommends NACHI Inspectors".

I checked the link and the small blurb printed in Consumer Reports. It says nothing of the kind.

Isn't this a bit mis-leading to the consumer?

Your credibilty is already in question, in my book.

Tip #29 in Consumer Report's new guide recommends hiring a NACHI

inspector exclusively and to find one at nachi.org

You will have to talk to Consumer Report if you have an issue with

their publication and their choice to print a recommendation for

NACHI home inspectors.

**** Portions of this post contained inappropriate content and were deleted by the moderator****

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Alrighty then.

Getting back to the idea of what would make this a more credible profession.

This probably will offend a few folks and if it does I'm sorry.

There are physical requirements to be a State Trooper. The folks that do the hiring know for sure that if the troopers aren't fit and fast, they'll likely get their ass kicked.

Here's my suggestion for home inspectors. If you can't climb off the top of your ladder through a 14x18 inch attic scuttle, I can't see how you can do your job well.

Question #37 on the ultimate home inspector test should be a directive: go squeeze through that hole.

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That's funny and true.

It's also a great segue out of the muck - hope it works.

BTW, perhaps question #37 on the MASTER inspector test would require you to place your hands on the sides of the opening, press and lift your body up into the attic so you don't have to do it all from the ladder.

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Originally posted by ozofprev

That's funny and true.

It's also a great segue out of the muck - hope it works.

BTW, perhaps question #37 on the MASTER inspector test would require you to place your hands on the sides of the opening, press and lift your body up into the attic so you don't have to do it all from the ladder.

I know alot of inspectors who would simply report the attic was inspected "from the entry"...[:-bigeyes

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Originally posted by mwg27

I know alot of inspectors who would simply report the attic was inspected "from the entry"...[:-bigeyes

And that's OK if there is a good reason, but if the HI is just too fat or lazy to get into the attic for a good look, then that's sad/funny/pathetic/not helping the client.

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Originally posted by Chad Fabry

Alrighty then.

Getting back to the idea of what would make this a more credible profession.

This probably will offend a few folks and if it does I'm sorry.

There are physical requirements to be a State Trooper. The folks that do the hiring know for sure that if the troopers aren't fit and fast, they'll likely get their ass kicked.

Here's my suggestion for home inspectors. If you can't climb off the top of your ladder through a 14x18 inch attic scuttle, I can't see how you can do your job well.

Question #37 on the ultimate home inspector test should be a directive: go squeeze through that hole.

Mmmmm, yeeeow, alrighty then indeed.........

I like that question. One does tend to wonder @ the physical capability of most folks doing the job. When you go to the conference(s), lottsa folks look like they could pop a vein simply getting out of the car.

I'm going to pray for all of us to be saved. When I get the receipt from God that it's been taken care of, I'll get back to all y'all......

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It is Friday afternoon and it seems we made it on this thread for a few days and then POW! someone seems to think they must defend Nick. I don't recall anyone really picking on him, just one of the "faithful" defending him.

I know Nick, great guy. Not a home inspector.

To stay on topic; how many NACHI members were present at ASTM meeting?

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One thing I could never understand is when moderators delete posts for homonym attacks.

It seems perfectly allowable to engage in verbal banter using homonyms as clever weapons. But nooo, in the past I've seen things edited or deleted for homonym attacks and also for the attackers failing to use correct homonym logic. Words that are particularly egregious include : Bank and bank. There, their and they're and so forth and so fourth. Other words that cause homonym attacks are butt and but. So don't be a horse's butt and engage in homonym attacks.

What's that?...Huh? ...ad hominem?


Then never mind.

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Originally posted by txinspection

Originally posted by randynavarro


I see you have a link to Consumer Reports magazine on your website. On your site you state that "Consumer Reports recommends NACHI Inspectors".

I checked the link and the small blurb printed in Consumer Reports. It says nothing of the kind.

Isn't this a bit mis-leading to the consumer?

Your credibilty is already in question, in my book.

Tip #29 in Consumer Report's new guide recommends hiring a NACHI

inspector exclusively and to find one at nachi.org

You will have to talk to Consumer Report if you have an issue with

their publication and their choice to print a recommendation for

NACHI home inspectors.

As to your non Christian attitude of judging me because of the stated

text in the Consumer Report publication, I will pray that you will one

day get saved.

It is kind of funny that when you do a search on the Consumer Reports website for NACHI that it says "No results found". This says that it is from the editors of Consumer Reports, not that it is a Consumer Reports article.

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Originally posted by Scottpat

Originally posted by txinspection

Originally posted by randynavarro


I see you have a link to Consumer Reports magazine on your website. On your site you state that "Consumer Reports recommends NACHI Inspectors".

I checked the link and the small blurb printed in Consumer Reports. It says nothing of the kind.

Isn't this a bit mis-leading to the consumer?

Your credibilty is already in question, in my book.

Tip #29 in Consumer Report's new guide recommends hiring a NACHI

inspector exclusively and to find one at nachi.org

You will have to talk to Consumer Report if you have an issue with

their publication and their choice to print a recommendation for

NACHI home inspectors.

As to your non Christian attitude of judging me because of the stated

text in the Consumer Report publication, I will pray that you will one day get saved.

It is kind of funny that when you do a search on the Consumer Reports website for NACHI that it says "No results found". This says that it is from the editors of Consumer Reports, not that it is a Consumer Reports article.

It was printed by Consumer Report. I really don't see why they

have to explain to you why they did it.

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Originally posted by txinspection

Originally posted by Scottpat

****Inappropriate content deleted by moderator.****

My thanks to the moderator of this forum for deleting

a misrepresentation. They had to do this at the last place

Scott attacked me. I'm not surprised anymore.

Mr. McKenna,

I didn't delete anything because of misrepresentations. I deleted material from both you and Mr. Patterson because it dealt with religion and the posting of private e-mail communications.

- Jim Katen

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Originally posted by txinspection

Originally posted by Scottpat

Originally posted by txinspection

Originally posted by randynavarro


I see you have a link to Consumer Reports magazine on your website. On your site you state that "Consumer Reports recommends NACHI Inspectors".

I checked the link and the small blurb printed in Consumer Reports. It says nothing of the kind.

Isn't this a bit mis-leading to the consumer?

Your credibilty is already in question, in my book.

Tip #29 in Consumer Report's new guide recommends hiring a NACHI

inspector exclusively and to find one at nachi.org

You will have to talk to Consumer Report if you have an issue with

their publication and their choice to print a recommendation for

NACHI home inspectors.

As to your judging me because of the stated text in the Consumer Report publication, I will pray that you will one day get saved.

It is kind of funny that when you do a search on the Consumer Reports website for NACHI that it says "No results found". This says that it is from the editors of Consumer Reports, not that it is a Consumer Reports article.

It was printed by Consumer Report. I really don't see why they

have to explain to you why they did it.

No explanation was asked for, it just can't be found on their website. With Nick saying that 4 Million are in print, you would think that Google would pull it up or that CR would have it on their site.

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by txinspection

Originally posted by Scottpat

****Inappropriate content deleted by moderator.****

My thanks to the moderator of this forum for deleting

a misrepresentation. They had to do this at the last place

Scott attacked me. I'm not surprised anymore.

Mr. McKenna,

I didn't delete anything because of misrepresentations. I deleted material from both you and Mr. Patterson because it dealt with religion and the posting of private e-mail communications.

- Jim Katen

Because I know both side of what was posted by Scott, I can say it was a misrepresentation. I understand that you do not know the full content. Your policy of deleting personal emails is understood and accepted by me. Thanks.

I was responding to the previous posters comments about my religion and I will know from this time forward to not respond to those kinds of post in the future. I realize now that you would have deleted his comments to begin with and I had no need to respond. Thanks again.

I have had Scott follow me around other forums and he has had his post deleted in time past for this same kind of thing. So I am not suprised.

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Originally posted by Scottpat

No explanation was asked for, it just can't be found on their website. With Nick saying that 4 Million are in print, you would think that Google would pull it up or that CR would have it on their site.

Not everything printed on paper has a duplicate posted on

the internet. To imply that it was never published, when you

can see a picture of the finished product is really grasping

for straws. Mr Gromicko seems to provoke unfounded


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