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Show of hands!

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Hello all:

I'm getting close to pulling together an on-line training session with Burnham Boilers. This is taking quite a bit of upfront work, none of which I mind doing however, I need to see a show of hands of all those that would like to be present.

I don't want to waste the time of other professionals if there is no interest.


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I applaud your initiative Terry, good idea. If I ever saw a boiler I would try to get in on it, but they're totally non-existant here. Down here a boiler is a big pot you cook in, nothing else. Best of luck to all.

Brian G.

Did Try a Few Boiler-Makers in My Day, Does That Count? [:-drunk]

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Hey Kurt:

From an earlier post:

Good Morning Mike:

This will be very easy.

1. You will need to purchase a microphone if you don't already have one. Get the headset/boom style mic. You can get this at a local computer store - I'd stay away from Radio Shack. They sell boom style mic's but they are the type for cell phones and the jacks are different. They might have a usb style mic but you don't need anything fancy for this. The cost for the mic should be around $20.00. I have the boom type with the single ear speaker. You will need to plug the mic into the 'Mic in" port on your sound card. Don't hook up the ear speaker, just use your existing speakers.

2. Install Roger Wilco on your computer (we will have to wait and see first what the reps have or want to use however, I will recommend RW to them). It is very easy to install and configure. You can read more about it here http://rogerwilco.gamespy.com/ however, DO NOT download the latest version. It comes with gamespy crap. I have an early version which is just the program. I can upload it to your site for all to use. A little better program is teamspeak but it can be a bit of a bugger to setup. If anyone has any other communication programs that are free and simple to use please let me know.

3. To talk over the net you will use this program. I have a cable modem with a router that has a dynamic IP address however, it hasn't change in quite some time. The IP address is the address of your computer ie. In Roger Wilco you would type in my IP address and bingo - instant communication. We can have everyone join on my IP. This takes care of voice communications.

4. We set a date & time. We use Roger Wilco for communications and we meet on your web site in the chat room.

5. I would suggest we submit questions to you in advance and when the guest speaker is done giving their talk you can read off the questions. We can also use the chat function to type in questions as they may arise but without a moderator it can get out of hand with people talking over each other.

That's about it, very easy really.

If you would like to try Roger Wilco let me know and I can send it to you or anyone else for that matter.

I will be glad to assist in anything you need a hand with.

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