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Job Prestige

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In many professions a bad image is the result of a small minority tarring the whole group. In the case of that particular profession, it's the vast majority tarring the honest few.

I wish I could say our overall group was different, but I can't. Locally I don't know of a single dead-serious home inspector I could refer a client to if I were booked up. Realtor suck-up-ism has never been higher, and on some levels I find it embarrassing. On the other hand, it's easy to look good against suck-up competition.

Brian G.

Bucketheads Multiply Like Bunnys [:-crazy]

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I agree with you. I have one inspector in my area that I will tell people to call if I cannot get to it and he tells folks to call me when he can not get to it. The other inspector and I go to classes and meeting together. We talk at least three time a week.

Last week I had two people ask me if I worked in Mississippi. I gave them your name and told them if you did not work the area that they where moving to, then look on the ASHI web site.

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I appreciate the endorsment Phillip. Should I bring candy and brochures to your office, maybe sign up for the "preferred vendor" program? [;)]

I've been running my own little referral program for the last few years. I tell clients if they ever move away to call me, and I'll try to find them a serious guy where they're going. So far I've always been able to reach out through the good-guy network and get a name they (and I) can trust. The Air Force pilots have taken me up on the offer more than anyone else.

Brian G.

Playing Keep-Away With the Bucketheads [^]

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