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For A Limited Time - 50% Off The JLC Archive


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If you're serious about this home inspection thing that you do, here's an offer that you aren't going to want to refuse. For a limited time only, the Journal of Light Construction (JLC) is offering a 50% discount on it's CD Rom and is including with the purchase 6 months of free access to the JLC online archive.

The JLC Archive has all the proven techniques and practical tips from more than 21 years of JLC. Every article. Every illustration. Virtually every word as originally published in JLC. All of it instantly accessible and incredibly useful.

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Bonus features include every issue of Coastal Contractor Magazine and Remodeling Magazine's latest Cost vs Value Report.

Imagine being on-site, discovering an issue with a home, and then the builder challenges your credibility. If you've got a laptop computer with you and wireless internet access, you can instantly bring up the JLC archive, word search it, and within seconds back up your findings with information from one of the most reputable sources in the builder's own industry. Pretty cool, huh?

To order your issue of the JLC CDRom for only $49.99 (That's less than 17 cents a day!) click here.

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