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I passed the NHIE

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It was not as easy as I thought it would be. Even though it was multiple choice there were many choices that were so close. Both were good answers and you had to choose which one was better. I was passing all kinds of practice exams in the mid 90 % range. On the real deal here I managed a 75% but its a pass anyway.

Now just waiting for the state to get off its duff and get me my license. A letter from the DLLR came in the mail today and said in a "few weeks" I will get my official application. Man they are slow pokes.

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AND, you smiled in your photo! Good job and enjoy the alocades while you can.

It has been been a tradition at TIJ, that when you pass the NHIE you must buy us something or just send money. I would not want you to be the first to break this important rite of passage.


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Originally posted by Les

AND, you smiled in your photo! Good job and enjoy the alocades while you can.

It has been been a tradition at TIJ, that when you pass the NHIE you must buy us something or just send money. I would not want you to be the first to break this important rite of passage.


Congratulations John! Invoice mailed: John Dirks Jr. - $1 Kajillion. [;)]
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Gee, I am so shocked you passed (sarcasm). [:-dev3]

I don't know what everyone else wants according to Les's rite of passage, but Jim K. has been looking for a certain camera lens for some time...I'm sure he'll specify for you. [;)]

Keep learning and doing things right, and the sky is the limit. Before long you'll be getting your first whiney phone call from a realtor. [:-weepn]

Brian G.

John D....An Alarmist/Hardhead/Non-Team Player In the Making [:-thumbu]

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Thanks for the support everyone. I owe some of the knowledge that helped me pass to you all.

Since Les brought up gift giving I think I am in the mood. My family and I have been sponsoring a young Philippineo boy through the Christian Childrens Fund for the last few years. We give extra cash gifts from time to time.

Les, your suggestion of gifting will be followed through. On behalf of the members of TIJ I will make an additional cash gift to this child and his family. I wont mention the amount but I will sat that it will nearly double their monthly income. His father is a carpenter. Its amazing what is a relatively small amount of money for us goes such a long long way for them.

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Originally posted by AHI

How many inspectors are in the industry? How many have taken the NHIE? How many have passed the NHIE?

Nobody really knows. Ask the Examining Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHI), they'll know the answer to questions 2 and 3.

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by AHI

My family and I have been sponsoring a young philipino boy through the Christian Children's Fund for the last few years.

Hey that's cool!

I'm half Filipino. The other half German & Italian (American I guess). Ever see a 6'5" Filipino?

If you plan on attending the Watts Training in Sept, it'll be nice meeting you.


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Whatever the feelings and thoughts were, are and will be, whether good, bad or indifferent, I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who participates on this forum.

I poke and probe to create activity on here and sometimes I go about it the wrong way. All I ask is you cut me a tad of slack every now and then. So far you all have given me more than enough. That's all I can ask for, really.

When I say the $ goes a long way over there it really does. His mother writes us and thanks us. The last time we sent $50 they were able to buy shoes and clothing for all 3 kids, food for the whole family and tin for the roof. His fathers monthly income is about equal to $75.

BTW, here is a pic of the little guy. He is 7 and a half years old now but this pic is a couple of years old. His name is Ardhywhynne Iggo, Ardy for short.

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