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My newest Toy- Low E detector!


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I just ordered this, and it should come in a few days. Anybody got one of these puppies?

I hope to drive the builders nuts on new construction inspections!

ETEKTTM Low-E Coating Detector

The ETEKT line of LOW-E Coating instruments has become the industry standard for detecting the presence and location of thermal resistant coatings (LOW-E) used on energy efficient single and dual lite glass and window assemblies. The ETEKTs are rugged handheld instruments that are accurate, easy to use, and never require calibration. Place the unit flat on the glass surface, press the button and read the results. The ETEKTs are powered by a 9-volt alkaline battery (included).

The meters can be used to test for LOW-E coatings in sealed Insulating Glass (IG) assemblies. No more destructive testing to determine if the invisible LOW-E coating has been correctly applied and installed in your IG windows!!


Near, Far, Clear, and Contacting indicators.

Use on 3/32" through 1/4" SINGLE lites of glass, also use to test 3/32" & 1/8" Insulating Glass assemblies with 1/4"-9/16" air space from a single side. Thicker IGs, as well as larger air spaces, can be tested in single pane mode.

Confirm that the INVISIBLE LOW-E coating is properly installed into your dual and triple pane IG units.

Prove to the customer that the INVISIBLE money-saving LOW-E coated windows they ordered have been received.

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  • 3 years later...
Originally posted by Terence McCann

Very cool! Where did you purchase?

As a real estate agent I found the TDG unit from MLM Enterprises to work as well and it's easier to understand, smaller - clips in my shirt pocket, and best of all less expensive - only $59 - a third of the price.

This is a great tool!

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I'm not familiar with the Bic lighter method; I use my flashlight. Hold your light at waist level (that part is important; it must be below your head level to see the effect more easily) and turn it on. If the reflection of the light is white and looks "normal" it is NOT low-E glass. Low-E glass will have a purple or green reflection. Sometimes, when the sun is right you can see this from the outside. When the sun angle is really right you can feel yourself bake if you walk through the reflected light outside the home.

Admittedly, that won't tell you which side of the glass the coating is on, and that is supposed to vary depending on whether you are in a heating or cooling climate. But it will confirm that there is a coating somewhere.

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Sorry, I missed this thread somehow. Does anybody else find that sometimes older threads with new posts don't show up in the "new posts" section?

Hold the lighter about 1 inch or so from the glass. With dual pane you will see 2 reflections of the flame, with triple glass, 3 reflections. If the reflections show different color flames, the glass is low-e. The outer reflection is normal, the inner reflections are successively darker and usually greenish. I think it was a glass guy that showed me that.

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Originally posted by homnspector

Sorry, I missed this thread somehow. Does anybody else find that sometimes older threads with new posts don't show up in the "new posts" section?

Really, then how do you suppose Jim and I knew to check out this thread to see that someone had posted something to it?

If you're logging off TIJ when you leave or you're computer isn't set to accept cookies, when you return, the software has no way to know when you were here last.

Make sure that your computer is set to accept cookies and don't log off when you leave the site. If you're already doing those things, I have no idea what's causing it.

OT - OF!!!


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That's true. "Recent Topics" only lists the most recent 10, 25, or 50 topics posted to TIJ. If the topic responded to, like this thread, was 51 or more topics ago, it won't display.

"Active Topics" is what you want to check. When you click on "Active Topics" it will display anything that's been posted, within the search terms you ask for - 1 minute, 2 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, Last Hour, 2 hours etc. - since the last time you visited.

When you click on "Active Topics" and it displays a list of threads, just click on the arrow/clock icon and it will take you to the first post made to that thread since the last time you visited TIJ. That way, you won't have to scroll down the thread from top to bottom to find where you left off last.



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