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Swimming Pool Inspections

Mark P

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In my area there are not a lot of swimming pools, but there are some. Maybe 5-10% of the homes have pools, maybe less. On the occasion I do inspect a house with a pool, I inform my buyer that I do not know much about pool equipment and do not report on it. They should get with the sellers to go over the operation of equipment. Or hire a pool company to inspect and educate them on the pool.

I do conduct a cursory look for any obvious leaks or odd sounds from the equipment (if running), check the electrical outlets and any junctions boxes. Checks the condition of the fence and any decks. I do not change the valves position (backwash, etc) check chemicals, or filters or anything else because I don’t know much about them. And I do not have a pool section in my report. If I find an electrical issue it goes in the electrical section, etc.

My question is what do other inspectors check and report on regarding swimming pools? If you do report on swimming pools what do you check and report on? Would you mind sharing with me that section of your report or any check list you may have? Does anyone have a recommended source to become smart on pools? I have done reading on the net, to include old post on TIJ, but lack practical experience and don’t want to say I can inspect a pool and get out there and not know how to operate that model pump (or all they all the same) . On the other hand I don’t like loosing a job because I don’t inspect pools. I guess it is like any other aspect of HI, when I started I knew nothing about boilers systems, but know feel perfectly comfortable inspecting them.

Anyway any pointers are appreciated.


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Why lose the job?

Just get with a pool contractor, find out how much he or she will charge for a pool inspection and then, every time you get a call about a pool, guote them the fee plus the pool guy's fee and tell them to tell you what days they prefer to have the inspection done. Then call your pool guy and coordinate a joint inspection on one of those days, call the client back, give the client the date and lock it in.

Tell the client to bring two checks - one for you and one for the sub.



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You could take a coarse on pool inspection. Then you can offer it as an additional charge to your general home inspection. The instructor at my classes said they charge $120-$150 extra for pools. They offer the training for other HI's too.

Once I get my business rollin I plan on doing the pool coarse and adding that to my services.

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Arizona ASHI has been working on a Pool & Spa Standards of Practice. You can read their information here: http://www.azashi.com/ or go to http://www.azashi.com/Adapted5-09-07Poo ... actice.pdf and http://www.azashi.com/Adopted5-9-07Pool ... cklist.pdf

My goal has been to switch and use their Standards of Practice even it is not official as of yet.

Jeff Euriech

Peoria Arizona

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I like the idea of watching a pool company do the inspection and taking the class.

I grew up in FL and always had a pool, but as a kid all I new is I was not to pee in it. I also remember playing a game where we would swim under water from one end to the other while the other kids tossed bricks in trying to hit us. Man did the parrents get mad when they found bricks in the bottom of the pool.

John, What company offers the training? Do you have a link?

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Kaplan/ITA has a pool class the teach. They might have it at their show in Vegas (Oct 1-3) and I think that I have seen it on the list of sessions for InspectionWorld in New Orleans, Jan 16-19. IW should have the session list out in the next month or so.

If you have a Kaplan school near you check with them.

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  • 7 months later...

I agree with taking the pool school course, there is also great courses offered locally. The ASHI list is pretty much inclusive of what needs to be inspected. It covers most of the larger topics of the inspection, but you will need a lot of additional knowledge to be able to inspect all the general topics and make conclusive recommends in related terms of equipment types, deficient items and needed repairs. Each type of system and each builder follows a standard pattern of installation, but most have unque features and require operation setups.



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  • 1 year later...

Kaplan/ITA has a pool class the teach. They might have it at their show in Vegas (Oct 1-3) and I think that I have seen it on the list of sessions for InspectionWorld in New Orleans, Jan 16-19. IW should have the session list out in the next month or so.

If you have a Kaplan school near you check with them.

I found this thread hoping someone here already inspects pools and is an authority, but apparently not.

Times being what they are, I'm constantly considering ways to increase my revenue stream. And, inspecting swimming pools makes sense, since I was around pools every day for about ten years as a competitive swimmer, lifeguard and assistant pool manager. I used to have to completely drain, wash off and set up our old diatomaceous earth filter system (they used to be the best when it came to actually filtering).

During my drawing board days, I was pretty interested in in-ground pool construction methods and became pretty familiar with both vinyl lined and reinforced gunite pool construction and pool equipment.

Also, I've been referring pool inspections to two local pool guys - one was OK and the other just pissed off both the buyer and seller on a deal. That finally pushed me over the edge; I could be doing what these guys are doing - no real report, just a verbal and a letter. And, they charge half to two thirds of what I charge for a home inspection.

So, I've jumped in with both feet, by enrolling in Kaplan's Pool and Spa Inspection Course, and it's no joke - The course manual is well over 200 pages and chocked full of pool equipment, operation and safety standards.

Again, I first searched TIJ for an HI that is currently doing pool inspections. So, if you're out there, do let me know. Otherwise, I'll combine my past masonry, tile, concrete and pool management background with Kaplan's info on the latest filtration, treatment and heating systems and ride this wave solo.

Honestly, I hope there's someone out there in TIJ to compare notes with.

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Our resident pool expert and moderator, Norm Sage, passed on years ago. We still maintain his profile as a moderator though. I'd be willing to let someone take over as primary moderator for that forum but they'll have to share it with Norm. Norm's position remains. He might not be physically here but he's still here in spirit.

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FWIW, I have a CD around here someplace with a ton of pool defect photos on it that Norm compiled plus a lesson plan. They're here. Finding them? Well, that's another story altogether; but push come to shove I can probably find the CD without too much difficulty but that stack of milk crates full of documents will take a long time to sift through.

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That's cool, I'm committed to this now, and have no problem at all sharing space with a legend. Swimming pools was my life for about a decade (I used to swim a mile in one every day of my life, morning and evening, as a competitive swimmer) and I'm quite familiar with the construction and equipment. I merely need to get caught up on the most recent filtration, heating and treatment equipments and techniques. If anything, the construction has regressed: most of it is vinyl liners now. Gunite isn't done much, although it is the most permanent pool construction. I'll keep you posted on my course progress.

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