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island sink and half bath fan


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This is on a new home.

Is there any think in the building standards that says that a kitchen island sink does not have to have a trap.

Does the fan in a half bathroom have to be vented to the exterior?

Builder says they do not. He will not send me anything to say he is right.

I have looked and I haven't found anything yet that he is right. If I am wrong I would like to know where it is that says I am wrong.

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Originally posted by Phillip

This is on a new home.

Is there any think in the building standards that says that a kitchen island sink does not have to have a trap.

Does the fan in a half bathroom have to be vented to the exterior?

Builder says they do not. He will not send me anything to say he is right.

I have looked and I haven't found anything yet that he is right. If I am wrong I would like to know where it is that says I am wrong.

That depends on what code is in force in your area. Is it the IRC?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Originally posted by Phillip

This is on a new home.

Is there any think in the building standards that says that a kitchen island sink does not have to have a trap.

Not only does it need a trap, it needs to be vented. The one in your picture didn't look vented.

Does the fan in a half bathroom have to be vented to the exterior?

303.3 Bathrooms.

Bathrooms, water closet compartments and other similar rooms shall be provided with aggregate glazing area in windows of not less than 3 square feet (0.279 m2), one-half of which must be openable.

Exception: The glazed areas shall not be required where artificial light and a mechanical ventilation system are provided. The minimum ventilation rates shall be 50 cfm (23.6 L/s) for intermittent ventilation or 20 cfm (9.4 L/s) for continuous ventilation. Ventilation air from the space shall be exhausted directly to the outside.

Builder says they do not. He will not send me anything to say he is right.

That's cause he doesn't even own a code book.

I have looked and I haven't found anything yet that he is right. If I am wrong I would like to know where it is that says I am wrong.

You're not wrong. He is. In cases like this, I say something like, "The source of my opinion is section 303.3 of the 2003 IRC. What's the souce of your opinion?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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I told him that I had put my opinion in writing with my name and lic. # ask him to do the same but he said he did not have to prove anything.

On the sink I wrote up there no trap and vent that is normally seen in a island sink. I haven,t heard anything from my client.

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He sounds like a real jerk Phillip, don't let him bother you. Anyone who behaves that unprofessionally is nothing to worry about; no game, all mouth.

I'm happy to say I just had the polar opposite happen to me on a new construction in your state. This guy got a lot more right than anyone I've seen, and he was receptive and responsive about the little things I found; a pro.

May your next one be like my last one.

Brian G.

Some Days We Deserve Proctologist's Pay [:-crazy]

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Originally posted by Phillip


I told him that I had put my opinion in writing with my name and lic. # ask him to do the same but he said he did not have to prove anything. . .

Ah. A classic testosterone-based reply.

Offer to wrassle him over it.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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