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holes punched in breaker box w/ no wires


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I was pretty sure that if a circular hole was punched out in the interior of a breaker box but with no wire, the hole should be plugged.

Older code versions' language was very similar to: "Unused cable or raceway openings

in boxes, cabinets, meter socket enclosures, equipment cases or housings shall be effectively closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment."

I can't find anything on this in my HI books though (I do not have electrical code books)

At the least, everyone should have a copy of the IRC. It's real handy having it searchable on CD.

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Originally posted by CheckItOut

I was pretty sure that if a circular hole was punched out in the interior of a breaker box but with no wire, the hole should be plugged. I can't find anything on this in my HI books though (I do not have electrical code books). House built in mid 80s. Thanks!

My best advice: Chuck your home inspection books in the trash. Start buying codebooks.

With one or, perhaps, two exceptions, home inspection books are full to the brim with useless folklore and misinformation.

As for your question, yes, the hole ought to be plugged. You don't need any citation beyond common sense for that one.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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