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Exterior use of screw-shell light fixtures

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Originally posted by Chris Bernhardt

Can you install a screw-shell type light fixture on the exterior exposed to weather?

Can you install it not exposed to direct weather like under a patio cover or under an eave?

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Chris, Oregon

Yes you can, the picture is proof! [:P]

The porcelain fixture is not an exterior fixture to start with, the addition of the screw in adapter is not an exterior fixture. So the entire setup is wrong. A simple repair would be to replace the fixture with an exterior security light fixture.

If it is outside it should be an approved exterior fixture. Moisture comes in many forms, humidity is a big culprit!

On a side note, I'll bet you a donut that you will not find a junction box behind that fixture in the picture!

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Originally posted by inspecthistoric

And the home inspector is paying for it 'cause he said "The bulb's just burned out".

Excellent point Bill. I sometimes get tired of saying "It's probably just a blown bulb, but I don't know that for sure", but I keep saying it.

Brian G.

Assume Nothing [?]

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Originally posted by Chris Bernhardt

Can you install a screw-shell type light fixture on the exterior exposed to weather?

Can you install it not exposed to direct weather like under a patio cover or under an eave?

I'd say it depends. A fixture mounted under a patio cover or eave is not necessarily "exposed to weather."

You should determine whether the location is "wet," "damp," or "dry." UL lists fixtures according to those criteria.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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