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Something to patent?


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Attached is picture from todays inspection;

Gas; steam boiler about 45 years old. It looks like the rods extend into the flue, transfer heat out, fan kicks on and blows it out. I checked for carbon monoxide leakage but found none. Has anyone ever seen this before?


Chatham (Small).JPG

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Darren - your pic didn't make it thru la la land, but this sort of thing is quite common in upper midwest. I have seen them usually on alternative fuel stuff like corn, pellets, tires, motor oil, etc.. Thrush Mfg had a whole line of recovery units.

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Can't see the photo either.

I've thought about doing something like this myself at the furnace exhaust flue. I'd rivet passive radiant fins to the flue and a small fan to blow the air.

I asked my engineers about this, and they said the fan would consume more energy than I'd be saving. Oh well. I could always still do the fins with no fan.

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No photo here either. I have seen metal finned contraptions that are designed to clamp on a flue. The idea was to make the furnace room a little warmer but I never understood why that was needed. There is usually enough heat radiating off the furnace itself.

If you actually do come across something that extracts heat from the exhaust, better watch out for bad drafting. I would also think that rods passing through the flue would create an obstruction to draft.


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