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Fiberglass Ductboard


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Having read the entire thread it`s clear the metal with fiberglass wrap would have been my first choice when the house was built (not original owner). Now I'm leaning towards the metal replacement but not knowing the possible array of products available I was hoping a suitable, "safe" fix was available that could be implemented. Seems there are no really good alternatives despite the cost of doing it over in metal, not a simple task in this house.

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We do some pretty fancy sheet metal work but I'm damned if I'd know how to replace a trunk in someone's attic without opening up the the roof or otherwise tearing the house a new asshole. What's "accessible" got to do with it?

Teranz, look up aeroseal and see if there's a vendor in your area.

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We do some pretty fancy sheet metal work but I'm damned if I'd know how to replace a trunk in someone's attic without opening up the the roof or otherwise tearing the house a new asshole. What's "accessible" got to do with it?

Teranz, look up aeroseal and see if there's a vendor in your area.

I did look up Aeroseal and it appears to be a great solution for leaks but as stated in the video it seals leaks, it does not coat the ductwork. Is this not exactly true? Does it coat the ducts inside? The price was also stated to be $1500 - $2500. It may not matter, there is no dealer close to me.[:-weepn]

I found this information elsewhere regarding "coating" fiberglass ductboard...

"Some coatings available for fiberglass ductboard put a durable surface coating on the fiberglass, and some actually get absorbed by the ductboard. Both have the ability to extend the life of the ductboard; however, applying a coating to fiberglass HVAC ducts that are beginning to deteriorate and/or have signs of mold growth is not recommended."

Seems replacement with metal continues to be the only real option so far.

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Ok, so aeroseal doesn't work for this. It was just a thought. The times we've done it, it does coat the interior of the duct, but it sounds like it's not a good idea for fiberglass. $2K is about average for a small to medium sized house.

Sounds like new metal is where you're headed. Should be interesting.

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  • 1 year later...

There's likely a plastic barrier between the insulation and the interior of the flex duct.

If you're referring to the supply plenum then yes, it could be that yellow fiberglass board. It was commonly used for that purpose at the time. Built several myself.


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I had the fiberglass trunk in the attic replaced with fiberglass wrapped metal. The trunk was in sections when delivered and was passed into the attic and assembled up there. The system seemed to work better than in the past. I did recently sell the house, the new owners had the air handler moved into the attic as well- no telling what it looks like now but it was in good shape when bought. The metal was a good choice in my opinion.

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  • 3 years later...

Can anyone please tell me how a landlord can get away with not making the essential repairs to my HAVAC system that’s full of the old fiberglass duct board that’s absolutely disgustingly filthy with tons of bacteria filth imbedded in the fiberglass that’s wet extremely moldy and the fiberglass is totally ripped up into small pieces so the fiberglass particles and filth are coming out of every single air conditioner and heat vent in my rented mobile home in Harrison Twsp Michigan. After multiple emails with multiple photos and inspection reports from 3 certified heating/ cooling companies she has emaild me back after every attempt I’ve made to repair these essential issues that she absolutely will not do anything to fix these severely dangerous issues that are making me extremely ill and effecting my ability to breathe to the point I’ve had the fire department paramedics over here 3 times and have spent most of the day in the Er to be diagnosed with a severe bacterial infection in my lungs! She also refuses to send maintenance over to repair the windows that the levers to open them are rusted shut making it impossible for me to open and access fresh air/ventilation! I can’t run my central air conditioning unit that’s written in my lease as a necessity to my health due to a Copd (not from smoking) and my severe allergic asthma to dust mites/mold etc. because if I do it allows the disgusting filthy bacteria filled fiberglass particles into the air and directly into my lungs body and all over my personal belongings including on the food I eat/ water I drink and it’s now effecting tge health and well being of my cats too. I’ve been actively searching for another place to live since the first time she refused to fix these issues that dates back to May of 2020- Now August 21, 2020 . Thank you I appreciate any and all help/ suggestions/advice I can get! 😪🤧🥵🥱😷🤮😫🤬‼️ 

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Well it seems she is abt 40-50miles from me.  Unfortunately I don't think any of us have any answers for her, on a professional level.  We would have advice - Move, but nothing professional without being on-site. 


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21 hours ago, Slamina said:

Can anyone please tell me how a landlord can get away with not making the essential repairs to my HAVAC system that’s full of the old fiberglass duct board that’s absolutely disgustingly filthy with tons of bacteria filth imbedded in the fiberglass that’s wet extremely moldy and the fiberglass is totally ripped up into small pieces so the fiberglass particles and filth are coming out of every single air conditioner and heat vent in my rented mobile home in Harrison Twsp Michigan. After multiple emails with multiple photos and inspection reports from 3 certified heating/ cooling companies she has emaild me back after every attempt I’ve made to repair these essential issues that she absolutely will not do anything to fix these severely dangerous issues that are making me extremely ill and effecting my ability to breathe to the point I’ve had the fire department paramedics over here 3 times and have spent most of the day in the Er to be diagnosed with a severe bacterial infection in my lungs! She also refuses to send maintenance over to repair the windows that the levers to open them are rusted shut making it impossible for me to open and access fresh air/ventilation! I can’t run my central air conditioning unit that’s written in my lease as a necessity to my health due to a Copd (not from smoking) and my severe allergic asthma to dust mites/mold etc. because if I do it allows the disgusting filthy bacteria filled fiberglass particles into the air and directly into my lungs body and all over my personal belongings including on the food I eat/ water I drink and it’s now effecting tge health and well being of my cats too. I’ve been actively searching for another place to live since the first time she refused to fix these issues that dates back to May of 2020- Now August 21, 2020 . Thank you I appreciate any and all help/ suggestions/advice I can get! 😪🤧🥵🥱😷🤮😫🤬‼️ 


Here's the problem that everyone else won't tell you: When people read a post like this, they think that you're a crazy person and they tend to dismiss you. I'll bet a dollar that's why you're not getting any traction with the landlord. 

Bottom line, Erby's response was right on the money. If this place is killing you, why are you still there? There have to be other options in your area. A rational person doesn't just sit there and suffer through this stuff, waiting for help from a landlord. 


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