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Stocking the Shelves at TIJ's Online Store

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Hello TIJ Family!

I don't know whether any of the TIJ stalwarts have noticed it yet, but there's a new button on the home page menu bar. We're proud to announce that there's now a new online store area on our home page. This is an added service that we've wanted to do for a long time and as we gain more sponsors we hope to expand it.

Right now though, I need everyone's help to stock the shelves. For now, we've tossed a small selectons of pubs in there at random, but we want to improve the selection. So, if any of you know of any really good publications that can help home inspectors, novices and veterans, become better at this thing we do, please respond here. These don't have to be stictly home inspection related publications. They can also be business related, marketing related, writing related (Bonnie, we've got Curious Case in there.), hvac related, electrical etc. In short, if it will provide an inspector accurate information and help an inspector become an all-around better businessperson, we want to know about it.

Likewise, if any of you see a pub there or know of one or more being used by inspectors, which you have good cause to believe are deplorable and aren't worth purchasing, please tell us about those as well. There're enough poorly written pubs out there in the hands of novice inspectors, we'd prefer to feature only those that are worth the price.



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Writing well takes more than correct grammar. A sentence with ackward phrasing can cause readers to lose interest. So, instead of focusing on grammar, Misplaced Modifier concentrates on writing clear sentences that inform and entertain readers.

Uh, that might make Bonnie bristle.

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Originally posted by Phillip

I will have to check it out. I am looking for a book that list where the heat chamber crack in all of the different brands of furnaces. I have seen the book, I just cannot remember the name but I want it.

It's called, "Residential Furnace Inspection Manual" by Ellis Pratch.

It's published by Heat Exchanger Experts in Colorado. Call 970 482-1194 to talk with Ellis about stocking it at TIJ.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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